2 Motor Questions


Founding Member
Sep 9, 2002
Trenton, NJ
1) At the bottom of my water pump I can see coolant starting to come through ( a very little bit ) I really dont have the money to have this fixed at a shop right now. Is there a way you can reseal just that one small area without having to take the pump completely off?

2) I had 1.7rr installed my motor a while back, the passenger side has always made a slight tapping noise from them. They said it was normal...but now the sound seems to be a bit louder...is this normal?
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1) A water pump doesn't cost that much, and it isn't that hard to do. Make sure it isn't just a hose or something. Really, you need to learn to work on the car yourself unless you have alot of money, then I suggest you go out and get a 'vette or something newer because with an older car, it's going to be Fix Or Repair Daily even if you buy a Chevy. Maby not DAILY, but often. Paying to have everything to be fixed would have cost me a lot by now.

2) I have 1.7 Crane Rollers, they do make a little noise even thought they are in spec. I don't worry about it too much.
Well, I do some work myself and have learned A LOT with this car. But Im a full time college student and I work to. So I dont have a lot of time to do work myself. I bought this new motor a year ago when the old one died hoping I wouldnt have too many more repairs. I dont think the pump is bad I think it may just be a bad seal cuz theres only a 1 drip coming from the bottom around the blue gasket.