96-98 gt's

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Hey stangscuba STFU, i already told you KID, to get the hell out of this thread. I dont understand why everyone here's getting pissed. I just wanted some good natured replies, but instead i get attacked by the ninja turtles(hahhahahhahha). Alright guys let's let this thread die already. I now know not to posts any opinions that differ from others here at stangnet.
why should include my sig? I race for money, and i dont want anyone knowing my setup. So STFU.

Alls you got is what 373's, exhaust, and a densecharger...sounds like a heck of a "setup" :nonono: :rlaugh: :rlaugh:

Don't bullitts have 355's stock :shrug: and you went to 373's...correct me if I'm wrong...
BULLITT, go get mommy. She needs to re-do the password for the internet. You should only be able to look at the Barbie, and Bratz web sites you signed up for. Now go,,,,,go get Mommy I need to speak to her.
Hey stangscuba STFU, i already told you KID, to get the hell out of this thread. I dont understand why everyone here's getting pissed. I just wanted some good natured replies, but instead i get attacked by the ninja turtles(hahhahahhahha). Alright guys let's let this thread die already. I now know not to posts any opinions that differ from others here at stangnet.

I am 34 unlike you who is afraid to post his real age of 16---KID!
This guy posted some of the stupidest crap on SN a while ago and he admitted he was like 18 or 19. Who the hell cares what he thinks. My car isn't the fastest but it could be if I wanted it to. Can we get a moderator in here before this thread becomes another debacle like the last one that lasted 15 pages.
Hey stangscuba STFU, i already told you KID, to get the hell out of this thread. I dont understand why everyone here's getting pissed. I just wanted some good natured replies, but instead i get attacked by the ninja turtles(hahhahahhahha). Alright guys let's let this thread die already. I now know not to posts any opinions that differ from others here at stangnet.

Its not the opinion you posted or post you posted its how you posted it...that is the problem...
I can understand why you say they need their on post, but thats like 94's and 95's have their own. You don't here the 5.0 boys calling their fellow 5.0 family slow. Next time watch what you say. I had a 98 gt and loved it, as a matter of fact I smoked a bullitt with just bolt-ons.
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