97 cobra smoke

i bought a 97 cobra and it wasnt doing it the first few days i had then i took it out of town and everytime im going 55+ i notice smoke coming from where the cupholders are and white smoke from exaust, any time im going quick it starts smoking dont see any leaks
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No expert, but I would say an oil leak that is burning on the exhaust for the cup holder one, unless white(sweet smell not oil smell)then exhaust leak. White usually coolant burning if car warmed up and still doing it, usually sweet smell(at least with the old coolants). Usually head gasket, cracked head/engine or some other way coolant getting into the combustion chamber. A video would help a lot. Pull the plugs for inspection and compression check. Monitor coolant/oil levels closely. Cooling systems can be pressure checked too.
No expert, but I would say an oil leak that is burning on the exhaust for the cup holder one, unless white(sweet smell not oil smell)then exhaust leak. White usually coolant burning if car warmed up and still doing it, usually sweet smell(at least with the old coolants). Usually head gasket, cracked head/engine or some other way coolant getting into the combustion chamber. A video would help a lot. Pull the plugs for inspection and compression check. Monitor coolant/oil levels closely. Cooling systems can be pressure checked too.

I'm inclined to agree, what does it smell like? Def pull the cap to the oil. When was the last time it was changed? Same goes for the coolant. Has the car warmed up to temp when it happens, or is it only when cold?
Does your shifter have the inner seal? Pull the shifter boot up and take a look.

Monitor your oil level. Might be time to crawl under the car and look for signs that oil is leaking onto the exhaust and burning off
Oil, electrical and coolant will all smell very different. That you have smoke coming into the passenger compartment is concerning. So get those boots checked.
Does the smoke smell sweet, like fresh blacktop, or like the magic smoke from burning plastic insulation and electronics?
How much have your coolant and oil levels gone down?
It’s time for a coolant pressure and leak down test. Pressurizing a system while cold and not running can find leaks that evaporate or blow away while the car is hot and driving.