Back from the track and disapointed.

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01bullittstang said:
Man do those times suck. You need some driving lessons. With all those mods you have you can be running a mid 13 by now. But it was your first time at the track so I guess with a little practice you'll do better.

:lol: I'd love to see your gay ass at the track. Infact I'd love to see you run your car then have you let me show you how its supose to be done. :notnice:
Monkie said:
What tires are you running? I can tell you now they suck. If you are running 2.1 60' then you need better tires. Get you some of the widest tires you can for the back ones. Also launch higher. Launch at 3,000rpms and slip the clutch alot. Will get you in the 2.0 or better 60' then after that shift where you should and you will get the time that you should. Also racing at this time of the year isn't going to be nice to you at all. The ground is cold and your hopes for traction are pointless. Wait until next year. When the ground is 70 degrees and up and you are still running slower than you should THEN you should get worried. But running 2.1 60' in 50 degree weather is usual. (all this applies unless you are running DRs or slicks)

After some sleep im in a better mood, but none the less here are my times. Apart from my first ru, my times were mostly 14.3 and 4s. With a few 14.8s before I started shifting earlier. My 60 foot on most of those were 2.2s. Also on most of them MPH 99 or so. As I pulled on to the lanes, I let my car roll back into the wet area. Not the actual pool or what not, but just where some water had run. I then reved it up and let the car spin up to line. At the line I went ahead and staged, then I sat there wait for my opponent. I reved it to a constant 1500 to 2000 rpm trying different things out. As time went on I deflated my tires after my 2nd run to about 23 psi. I shifted shortly after 5k rpm, and did not powershift. Hope thats enough, thanks for all the help everyone!
If you had street tires you should not have gotten them wet. The water stayed in the grooves even though you spun to the line and if you had DRs or slicks you should have done a 5 second burnout. That is the reason for a bad 60'
Monkie said:
If you had street tires you should not have gotten them wet. The water stayed in the grooves even though you spun to the line and if you had DRs or slicks you should have done a 5 second burnout. That is the reason for a bad 60'

But I didn't drive into anything deep enough to get the grooves wet. Just the part of the track that had water on it, not the actual pit.
Pootiestang said:
Im confused, hows that slow me down? I thought it would help?
you are losing the effect of 4.10's when going from a stock tire size of 25.7'' to somethign that is well over 26''

Takes more power to get the wheels spinning, plus its just plain heavy

just could be one of the things hurting your times

You should try putting your stock rims and tires on the rear and see if it makes any difference if you still have them
Don't worry about the times, with more track time you'll be in the thirteens, easy. BTW, I live in Statesboro also. Some buddies of mine go up to Jackson a lot and race also. I believe I've seen your car around before.
silversnake03 said:
Don't worry about the times, with more track time you'll be in the thirteens, easy. BTW, I live in Statesboro also. Some buddies of mine go up to Jackson a lot and race also. I believe I've seen your car around before.

Cool, you ever get on the boards? Not much domestic wize but its the only group in boro i could find.