Electrical Fox Body Fuel Pump Issues

Russell wheeler

New Member
Feb 28, 2017
Hey everyone! new here, just recently bought a 1990 Fox Body lx hatch with a 5.0. The cars engine was blown up and then replaced with another 5.0 by a shop, but the shop couldn't get it running/customer couldn't afford more labor to fix it. they were suspect of the ecu so I popped it open, found 2 of the 3 main electrolytic caps had failed, so I replaced all 3 with the proper caps, and now I can get the car to run if I ground the pin on the diagnostic connector for the fuel pump. but I do not get any prime with the key, without the bypass ground wire. I've bypassed the inertias switch temporarily because it was bad, I will replace it before I drive it, but I also found I was only getting around 5 volts at the red wire for the fuel pump relay at the inertias switch. I've read online that low voltage like that can be noise from the ecu/other sensors? not sure on that. But I know that the low voltage must be part of my issue here. I'm getting ready to just run a switch to the bypass wire to get it going, but I wanna do it the right way. I also replaced the blue fusible link at the starter solenoid for the ecu. no change. if anyone has any ideas I'd really appreciate it! sorry for the huge post just getting pretty lost and running out of ideas!
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