Funny Story


Active Member
Aug 28, 2004
Louisville, KY
Last night was graduation for me. I went to a party afterwards, and my only goal was to get so incapacitated that i couldn't move. Well i was there alright, my buddy, the DD, drove us home, we got to his house, he was laying on his bed passed out, i walked in his room, and started pissing all over him and the bed. I'm not sure why, i guess i thoguht it was a toilet. I'm still in shock, i cant believe i was that messed up to piss on my buddy's bed. He was like ****in stop! i said what dude? i didnt even realize what i was doing. but it does make for a good drunk story, for me, not for him because he got pissed on.
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That is a good one man. I have one that is much worse My friend showed me a video of a drunk buddy of mine pissing on my cobra (I was unaware cause I was getting laid at the time). The next day after seeing the video I took it to a car wash ( I wasn't gonna touch it) and I have no idea how they didn't smell it. Afterwards my friend that did that didn't show back up for months and still to this days rarely ever comes around.