girl needing electrical help :(

90mustang_GT5.0 said:
its only 0' if its 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 after 9 its nolonger 0~!...........................


I should get a week offa work for that
im a buckeye boy!.... no not really i was rooting for M this week because of BO's death... but im not into collage foot-ball! im a proball fan and none of my favorite teams are in mich, even tho the wings, pistons, and tigers are SWEET!.... none of those are my FAV's!

man ya shoulda watched it though... it was a great game. Being from ohio i love the bucs and the browns, but thats about it.. the penguins and the local hockey team here all the only other things i watch
Snikt89GT said:
10 pages.. Someone just delete this thread or kill it

Doesn't really meet any of the criteria for locking i don't see a need.

It's no different than any of the other posts in 5.0's just all confined nice and neatly into one leghumping thread