Hello And Power Steering Question

craig friedman

New Member
Apr 3, 2017
Hi all, I am currently using a 1997 Mustang Cobra engine, rear end, and transmission to build a Factory Five Cobra. I have a run into a problem and some had suggested that this forum would be a good place to get some help. I am trying to redo the power steering lines, I am not using the hydro-boost as I am not running power brakes. Does anyone know what size threads are on the high pressure power steering pump? Also, I am assuming the other end is just a hose clamp?

Thank you for taking a look.

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Hey Craig, welcome to stangnet.

I personally know jack to help you out, but, I'll move your thread over to the '96-'04 tech section. Someone there will be able to help you out.

Good to have you with us brother.

Post a couple pictures of your car for us.