HW is done. new little project.

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I had a gauge there and IMO its a crappy place for a gauge. I think the gauges should be placed close to your line of sight when viewing the road, when you look at the info center you cant see out any windows, thats why I put all my gauges in the dash and on the A pillar.
aaron11272 said:
If you plan on taking out the info center, KEEP IT. Don't throw it away. It could be worth $$ in another 10 years.

And as for the avatar...hmmm...well....no....can't say that either....nope...

Damn - you're 14 years old. I gotta be careful what I say to you!

i plan on keeping it.

and say what you wont. im in high school. ive heard just about everything there is to say to offend a person :lol:
grey5.0beast said:
Yeah pacecars interior is sick looking and I knew exactly what he was talking bout lol. I don't know if this has been said,but I would just tape the letters off then paint around them, take of the tape and let the light shine through the letters so the words are illuminated, now that would be sick.


lol that is what i am going to do in the first place :nice:

i got blue led's to light it up :jaw:
795.0pacecar said:
Paint it black, tape off all the black and sand blast just where it has the writing, that way the whole letter in each word will glow with the light on, also you'll be able to see it pretty well in the daylight too.

I used a white opaque backing for my radio delete plate...:nice:
I only mess with Ryan because he's the only one on here I can mess with. Yeah, I'm almost 18, oh well.

As for why I break balls, I try to bust his balls because maybe they'll drop soon. :p

I'm just messing with you Ryan, hell I'm at school posting this in Astronomy class.
bynummustang said:
I only mess with Ryan because he's the only one on here I can mess with. Yeah, I'm almost 18, oh well.

As for why I break balls, I try to bust his balls because maybe they'll drop soon. :p

I'm just messing with you Ryan, hell I'm at school posting this in Astronomy class.

im in ICA class. i hate it. typing with the home row stuff sucks. i like my way better.

im a fast pecker :rlaugh:
Im at school too...

Only Im sitting in a dorm after my 3 hour Steel class. Yes 3 hours of learning all about steel, and how to use it in construction.

Enjoy High School, if you plan on higher education and plan to take a difficult major, your going to miss the easy homework, and short classes!

Also looks pretty good to me. I almost did something similar where my ash tray goes, but its an awkward little space, and hard to know which way to orient it!