ignition question..tmoss help !!!


Founding Member
Jul 13, 2002
ok my better half just bought a 5.0 (88gt hatch with t tops), it was a 5spd and i had a C5 so we switched out trannies...anyway that old c5 wont allow the key to start the car so i bypassed it with a switch to jump the solenoid for her, under the hood but i wanna make it so her key does that, any way what i need to know is what wires off off the ignition start the car
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Tbird is right. if it was a stick originally, you need to bridge the neutral safety switch, as mentioned. it is behind the clutch pedal. as i recall, it has two wires going into one terminal, and one wire on the other terminal (to help differentiate it from the cruise control switch on the clutch pedal).
bridge the two wires one way or another. some simply put a blade fuse in each slot of the connector. some splice the wires together. either works. if you do the fuse idea, wrap the fuse and connector in electrical tape so the fuse cant fall out. should be good to go.
good luck.
i know that i would have to have the clutch stuff in place but i just wanna move the way it is setup now...(a switch wired through the firewall to jump the solenoid)....instead of a switch to jump it i wanna have the key jump it) so what wires coming from the steering column go hot when the key is in the start position??? cause i wanna hook that wire up to the solenoid to start the car
Should work - but why bypass the clutch switch or nuetral safety? I'd put them in and use them - if you don't you can start the car in any position of the auto or with the clutch and gears engaged.
Tmoss is right on about retaining a safety feature.
i happen to know since i bypassed mine (T5), since the switch had stripped (requiring the pedal to go through the floor to push the button to start the car).
but extra safety is always good, esp if others (or shops) drive your car. i am from the old school where cars did not have these, so i am conscientious of it. plus from having to push the clutch on the newer cars, i am a trained monkey and push the clutch pedal upon starting anyhow.

good luck.