Looks like Im gonna have two babies now...


New Member
Dec 6, 2004
El Paso, Tx
Found out monday that my gf is pregnant. So now I have to support my 5 liter baby and a real one now...lol It still hasnt sunk in yet though, Im still walking around like nothings going on cuz Im still in shock. It'll hit sooner or later but now I have to start saving up twice as much. 50\50 between the two, and none for me...:doh: My gf's excited about it and I think its something special too, my 4 year old sister will have someone to play with at home now. Now I dont no not much bout' nuthin, but all I nose is dat baby gonna drive a MUSTANG :nice:
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wytstang said:
Note to self buy a bigger box of condoms.....:nice:

:lol: It was too late when I made that mental note. It's cool, congrats and I know how you feel. It won't sink in until you're holding the kid in your arms, and even then you'll have a hard time thinking you're a FATHER. Something that will really make it sink in are these special words, "Honey, we need more diapers!"
I don't know about you guys.. But I'm 20 years old and going to be a junior in college.. I've always been very very very nervious about my gf getting pregnat and I fear those words. How do you guys feel about the situation?
zZsKyZz said:
I don't know about you guys.. But I'm 20 years old and going to be a junior in college.. I've always been very very very nervious about my gf getting pregnat and I fear those words. How do you guys feel about the situation?
Well since you asked I'm going to say this........be careful until your ready and have had fun as a younger adult......I was 27 when I had my first so I had done the college, drunk all the time, Cancun type things and had my fair share of other things......
With that being said, look at my username, I am a proud father and can think of nothing I've accomplished coming close to being a parent......It has it's ups and downs but no better ride out there.......
zZsKyZz said:
I don't know about you guys.. But I'm 20 years old and going to be a junior in college.. I've always been very very very nervious about my gf getting pregnat and I fear those words. How do you guys feel about the situation?

I'm 25 and I would LOVE to have a serious girl and a kid.
zZsKyZz said:
Sorry, I didn't mean to sound like an ******* on this topic.. I just read it myself and it sounded a bit rude. I apologize if it was taken the wrong way.
I didn't take it that way man......nothing rude at all........like you said your still in college...have fun man and finish that degree and have fun being single for a few years and then settle down.......no rush....
what does Joe Dirt say "Life is a garden baby, dig it.." LOL

zZsKyZz said:
Sorry, I didn't mean to sound like an ******* on this topic.. I just read it myself and it sounded a bit rude. I apologize if it was taken the wrong way.

I didn't take it that way...Man, it's not unnatural to be afraid of an unplanned pregnancy. I'm sure everyone understands that

and to the father to be, congrats dude.
drakesdad said:
I didn't take it that way man......nothing rude at all........like you said your still in college...have fun man and finish that degree and have fun being single for a few years and then settle down.......no rush....
what does Joe Dirt say "Life is a garden baby, dig it.." LOL

