Looks like Im gonna have two babies now...

JAJAJAJAJJAJAJAJAJAJJAJA:lol: :rlaugh: :lol: :rlaugh: :stupid:

I TOLD YOU YOU IDIOT. don't mean to be an ass, but you deserve it for telling her. I hope she never takes you back. How could you do such a stupid thing? A couple of guys here admire you for that, but what would you rather have? Someone who you will probably never meet admire you, or lose your kid and girlfriend? I don't feel sorry for you dude, you deserve it for telling her. :owned:
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95Vert yeah you are right i deserve it but i cant be with the guilt all the time i was with her and im going to do my best to have my kid next to me too. I will do as much to make her trust me. I want to be by their side. And yeah that is being an ass but you are saying what you mean.
Seventy is right. You have to know you wont ever do it again. It'll take time for her to trust you again but you need to rebuild your trust foundation. If that means you have to check in every 10 min, then thats what your going to have to do, only if you really want her back.
I know I sounded like an ass. But it's frustrating to see how someone didn't take your advice and ends up with the same consequences has was told. I think that my problem is that I'm not big on feeling sorry for anyone, especially if they bring it on themselves. I hope things work out for the best, but in all honesty, after reading several of your posts Tejeda, you sound like the type that will do it again. So, i don't know what to tell you without being a hypocrite. Just take it and run with it.
95Vert. I know i made my mistakes:notnice: and i dont want to do it again besides ive had the chances to go with some girls but i dont because i am trying to show her that she will be the only one. But it is hard i admit that. I feel better that i have told her i dont have the guilt of hidding it but now its the guilt of hurting her. I see her around and she just looks down very sad:( and i know i hurt her. That is the only thing that i regret from telling her. So i know i wont do it again.:nono:
I need some advise. I talked to my Ex and she said that she didnt want to see me at all. I go see her everyday trying to talk to her and show her that i care but she just tells me that she doesnt want to be near me. I have this feeling that she will move with her family to Jacksonville, Fl what do i do? If she does.
Well i dont know who he is but i did see him a couple of times around her friends but you see i saw them kissing and hugging. Thats not just a friend. I wanted to show her i still love her and want to be with her. So what now? What can i do ?
I am Going Crazy

:nonono: I need some more advise... Well my ex girl called and said that she loves me but will never forgive me for what i did and then she started saying that the baby is not mine she is saying that it is that guys shes with. I think that she is trying to get me away. What do you guys think? Is she just saying that just so i can leave her a lone and get out of her life?:(
I know i did wrong but i have proved it to her that i will be there and i have but now with this i dont know.. I deserve this.....................:bang:
I wasn't going to pay anymore attention to you or your comments but this is a tough one. I'd say FOCk her, she has no reason to tell you that the child is another guys UNLESS it really is. IDK why a girl would lie to you about it. It just makes her seem like a :taco: which is something girls hate no matter what. I'd say just forget about her until the kid is born, then get a paternity test. Do you really want to be with a girl who has another guy's kid? Not only that, but she made you believ it was yours AND is mad at you for going out with another girl when she focked someone else and got pregnant(if true)? I would take this opportunity to turn it around and make her feel like ****. Everytime you miss her or think about her, imagine her givin that other guy head or riding him like a horse screaming HIS name. I'm pretty sure that'll get you over her pretty quick. She may be lying, but since you don't know, then all you can assume is that it's true until you get a paternity test.