Looks like Im gonna have two babies now...

Im not a poster in the 94/95 forums but this is a field that I call myself an "expert" in, if there is such a thing. Im now 27 years old with a wife and kid. Back when I was 19 and a freshman in college and my girlfriend was 17 and a junior in high school, we made the mistake of not using protection and her getting pregnant. WOW I was scared to death. I thought the world had come crashing down on me. No more cars, friends, life as I knew it was over. I HAD NO FUTURE but a girlfriend, child, and a minimum wage job for the rest of my life. I was soo scared to tell my dad, but mom was very understanding. She cried and was very worried but she stood strong for me when I needed a shoulder to cry on. Well then the day came that I told my dad. I can STILL remember how it all went down. He was wahching TV when I came into the room and said that dad youre going to be a grandpa. He kept saying youre joking right, I said no. He was upset at first, but the damage was done. We sat down and talked about it for a while. They were still going to put me through college and pay for everything with my son while I concentrated on my studies. About 2 months later my girlfriend moved in with me and my family. Her side of the family took it completely different. Her parents wanted nothing to do with her or her child (they didnt raise her anyway, it was her grandparents). She felt devastated as she should have. Fast forward 7 years later, Im still with her and she is my wife and my son is 7 years old. Im doing well for myself but without the help of my parents I would probably have nothing. There are not a lot of parents that would do the things for their kids that mine have done for me. Ive seen it too many times that young kids have their lives and future thrown away due to a child. Dont get me wrong, my son is the best mistake Ive ever made and ever will make, but I have missed out on a lot of things that I shouldnt have. I had to grow up and be a dad too fast. The fun out with friends at night , different girlfriends, and the other things that 19-25 year old guys do, I didnt get to. But Im perfectly content at home with my family. BOth me and my wife are understanding that we lost out on a lot of things in life so she lets me go out and race on the weekends and I let her go out with her friends and shop and stuff and what ever else (as long as its in reason, lol) What Im saying is keep your head up and take care of your child and girlfriend. Hang in there, your life is now begining and have fun with your child. Oh and CONGRATS on the baby, hope everything goes well. Best wishes
Thanks quick. Im lucky to have both my parents supporting me. They also are going to keep paying for my college and help me out wherever they can. I've been thinking about missing out on all that fun stuff to but this is the way my life is headed. I guess we'll see how it works out. Just gotta take it one day at a time...

wow, that really was touching
WOW... Congrats Man... Im in that situation i barely found out my gf is pregnant but im not ready to settle down i want to go out and meet other girls...See The thing is that i have been cheating on her. I dont want to stay with her. I love her but not to have a kid... What do you think i should do? Maybe you can give me some tips...Are you ready to be with that one girl? Have you done what im doing seeing another girl while im with her? Can you give me advise.... Thx.

My Mom and Dad have always told me that I'm growing up to fast.

so enjoy it while you can with your future son/daughter

you may want to make that cut 80/20 instead of 50/50

kids cost a lot as I'm sure some of you fathers out there know.

step up to the plate. you got her pregnant and your either going to have to pay child support or....................

stick with the girl you have with the child you will be having or else you will just end up paying for two children in the long run from two different women. and he or she will have to grow up with out his dad by his side.

don't miss out on seeing your child grow up or else you will be doing this for the rest of your life

i have made some mistakes in my life but without my dad i would have made many more.

oh yeah cheating is a no no
Tejeda, no seas wey. IDK if you speak Spanish or not but I'm assuming you do. Don't tell your baby's momma you've been unfaithful. That will just ruin everything. You do need to step up. I was in your situation. I didn't get married with my wife at that time cause I also wanted to party and meet other chicks. It's a must when you're young. So we stayed a couple for a couple of years. I would always go over to see my lil girl and be with my wife, but didn't move in with her or marry her until later. Of course I gave her money to support my kid and since we were still a couple, we would be together a lot. After about 2 years of that BS, I was like, Fock it, I love my g/f and my kid, I might as well get married and step up. We've been married for close to 2 years and wouldn't give it up for anything. I have a lil boy now. BTW, I'm 23 years old. Young, I know, but you gotta do what you gotta do. The most important thing is that if you don't love your baby's momma, don't get with her JUST because she's pregnant. You're going to screw up 3 lifes like that.
Thx Vert That really helps alot. I do love her. I really need to think straight and step up. And congrats on your marriage and kid sounds like you are happy. I know that if i was to stay with her just because shes pregnant would screw up hers and the kids life. So i should just stay quiet about being unfaithful and just try to make things right. Thx.
I disagree. By steping up to me means you take responseablity for all your actions. So You should be honest. And how can you say you love her if your out screwing around. You should tell her and be a man don't hide behind your stupidity and lies. If she was smart she'd dump your ass make you pay support and never let you see your child you don't deserve it.

People that cheat ****ing piss me off.
Well i thought about it many times to tell her and i couldnt. I do love her but we have our problems. I never thought this would happen and im going crazy. I dont want her to leave me and i dont want to lose the opportunity to see my child. That is the only reason why i cant tell her but i think you are right i have to be honest and see what it comes to. I have to do my best to win her trust and not lose her.
I was 17 when my son was born also.We went into her parents room with her mom,sat on the bed,and the whole plan went to hell lmao.My wife (now)had put the test in a watchbox to give to her mom as a gift?After she pulled it out,her mom smiled and said your pregnant,she threw that box on my lap and ran for the other side of the house.Left me sitting there speecless!It never sunk in that I was now dad untill the first time I held my son.But at that moment,my life was now glorious and nothing in the world mattered except that child.Parenting isnt easy but rewarding all the same.Congrats and best of wishes!