May buy stang, need suggestion


New Member
Jul 7, 2004
I may be buying a Mustang as a 2nd car for the wife but I need advice.

Assuming the price range is $5k-$8k, what year mustang would you folk suggest?

The only stipulation is that the car must be automatic transmission and not 5.0 (or older.)

Any input would be helpful! Thanks!
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Going off of your price range, you're not gonna be able to get anything new, obvioulsy. Don't go too old though. Mine's a '95 and I've already had the transmission rebuilt once, and it's acting up again. I've gotten a blown head gasket, (sure that's probably also because of the way it's being driven) but I would suggest going '99 and up if you can. They changed a little bit, and I think anything older would end up giving up some problems.
altoc18 said:
I would suggest going '99 and up if you can. They changed a little bit, and I think anything older would end up giving up some problems.

Thanks for the info, it's all being filed in my head. Hopefully the next 2nd car gives less trouble than the 95 Lebaron GTC it's replacing.