New exhaust - Will it void my warranty?


New Member
Nov 25, 2003
I am looking to purchase and install a MAC ProChamber and Magnaflow Magnapack catback on my new 2004 Mustang GT and I am wondering about the warranty. I opted for the extended warranty and do not want to kill it yet. Will the warranty be voided only for the exhaust system or will they try to void the entire drivetrain warranty because the midpipe won't have cats?

Also, we have emissions testing here but this year they moved to the OBDII check rather than the dyno check. If I install MIL Eliminators will I be able to pass the emissions check since the computer is not throwing a code? I know I may fail the visual check if they have one but I can always try to convince them that the ProChamber is one large catalytic converter. ;)
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Yeap no cats, will void it. The dealer has to prove that your aftermarket exhaust caused the problem that you are claiming. ie: transmission problem, exhaust has nothing to do with the transmission. Now if you were in for an emission problem they may try and pin the the exhaust on that particular problem. All depends on the dealer.
yes it really depends on the dealership. I had Long Tubes, gears, frame ties, TB and a shifter. The dealership still fixed the problem I was having. In all honesty though, the problem was caused by another dealership so they were covering their tracks partly. I blew out my 2nd gear synchro and had another dealership fix it. They screwed it up and the other one had to fix their ****.
tacswa3 said:
The dealer has to prove that your aftermarket exhaust caused the problem that you are claiming. ie: transmission problem, exhaust has nothing to do with the transmission.

Be careful. There are basically two parts to the federal law governing warranties (Magnuson-Moss Act). The "pro-customer" part supports exactly what you said.

However, the other, "pro-manufacturer", part allows them to completely void the warranty if there is any sign or indication of abuse. "Racing" is abuse and they can claim that performance mods are indications of that type of abuse. Basically, if you are installing performance mods, you must be using them, no? It is true that few automotive manufacturers have actually made use of this part of the law, but from horror stories I have read lately, it seems that its use is on the rise.

As noted, it all depends on the dealership. They have the initial "power" to go down one road (fix it without question) or the other (void the warranty).
So, if I end up getting the MAC Prochamber will the extended warranty pretty much have been a waste of money because since the exhaust has no cats the warranty will be voided without question? Or, will it depend on my dealership and their willingness to deal with mods?