OT: Just saw Farenheit 9/11!!! WOW!!!

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Wow... I'm actually having to adjust my opinion of some of the people posting in this thread. Not because they support Bush -- that's just an opinion, and everyone is entitled -- but because they're jackasses. And some of these people actually seemed pretty cool. Oh well...
gcomfx.com said:
I know WAY too many people that have been laid off this year and don't have descent jobs because of the shape of the economy.

Combine this fact with the price of gas.... Bush is teh suck.....

i guess it depends who you talk to because i have been getting 1-2 dollar pay raises every six months for the last three years. my insurence benifits have increased. and in this year in particular, i have been putting in way more overtime and we have hired more people.

as the price of gas, i think we are still the country with the cheapest prices. we have been holding out the longest. things could be worse.

I'll send you my dad's phone number. Get him a job offer anywhere in the 4 state area. He's WELL educated in Manufacturering Industry. Has YEARS of experience AND has an EXCELLENT work ethic.

Things could ALWAYS be worse... things could always be better too. Could it not? Gas could be $5.00 a gallon. Worse would be $5.01. Gas could be Free - better would be getting paid to take it.

This whole thread just shows how much Politics sucks and has no place on a mustang website.
[soapbox]If you don't like politics, don't post. If you're going to resort to name calling, don't post (this ain't politics guys ). This post is remaining relatively free of strife; let's keep it that way. Healthy, intellectual discussion is good for us. [/soapbox]

Okay, another point to consider. For those who are blaming the economy, lack of jobs, etc on the current president, what is your justification? The way I see it, the current depression is 100% due to the acts of war committed on 9-11. While not fully recovered yet, the economy is on the upswing, which is something that isn't so common for being so close to an election.

So unless you're directly blaming Bush for the 9-11 attacks, how is the current situation his fault? It looks to me as if he's doing a damn good job dealing with the situation (but that's just me). Do you think that the United States would actually be better off if Kerry was in office when the planes hit the towers?
I'm a pretty hardcore libertarian. I am ready to vote against Bush as soon as Kerry shows me ANYTHING.

He based his entire campaign on three things: He's not george bush, he has a plan, and he's going to revamp national health care.

1 - I know he's not george bush already.
2 - I know that there is a plan. I don't know where the plan is. I do know that in the plan he talks about getting help from other countries, specifically France and Germany, with Iraq. BOTH countries have recently made statements saying they will not pour resources into Iraq regardless of who wins. The united states funds over 80 percent of the UN, without us there would be NO UN, in my mind (free market capitalist) if you pay for 80 percent of something you have say over 80 percent of something.
3 - The last thing we need is a socialist health care system. Look at the state of current state-run health care, like the UK and Canada. There is a reason why Canadian doctors routinely send patients into the US for surgery. The more you privatize, the more competition will drive down cost.

As far as not getting jobs... over half of my graduating class of fraternity brothers, including myself, already have jobs and we are still 3/4 of a year from graduating. Last year's class had a much harder time. The class before that had an even harder time... from the college grad's perspective, the job market is only getting better.
wytstang said:
I agree!

As far as salary...Im making about $6-$7/hr MORE now than in 2000.
That's about $600/week more per 2-week check... I saved $2k in taxes last year with my 2 kids, and saved taxes on not having a marriage penalty. The majority of job problems occured because of Sept 11? Yeah..."it occured on Bush's watch" blah blah blah. The PLANNING took place while our country was distacted wondering whether or not Bill Clinton " had no sexual relations with that woman....Ms. Lewinsky! " If Bush were Prez when the Ship was attacked by Bin Laden's group, Sept 11 would NEVER have happened.

Just graduating and found a job? I graduated in 99 - I had 3 offers and was one of THE highest paid graphic designers from my graduating class at my college. I further increased that until this past year. As a designer I work in the advertising field... when things are good - companies have money to blow on advertising, when things are bad, the first thing they pull is the advertising.

I fully believe MY field is a very accurate representation of the economy.

What do you do? - not trying to be an arse at all, honestly curious.
Does anyone posting insults think they are changing ANYONE's vote?

All you are doing is adding reason's NOT to. Personal attacks just make people mad and more stubborn. Now when they see the ballot they see YOU making fun of them. Now they are voting against YOU not the politician.

I'm not a Bush supporter nor a Kerry supporter. So I could care less how anyone votes. It's the immature name calling that just turns my stomach.
BTW - for those that say this Michael Moore guy is an idiot. Are you sure?

He's a movie maker.... so his job is to make movies people will watch and remember. The more people watch it and talk about it the more OTHER people will to.

The guy is now famous because of the way he does things.

If his goal is to become famous, then he's very successful at what he does.
95Vert said:
I know it's been out for a while but I just saw it and man was I in shock. I didn't know who I was voting for before that movie but now I do. I just wanted to make a thread to see what you all thought of it.

The movie is so factless it had to be reclassified as a "Drama" -- the movie was audited by a poltical information group, they research political debates, statements, and propaganda to find the factual evidence. In this case, they found the movie to be almost entirely fabricated, the points michael moore follows in the movie are entirely out of this world, but he ties them to insignificant facts so he can lead to believe they are real. The movie was created entirely to elect a democratic canidate, that is its mission, and the starter of this thread fell for it head over heals. Regardless of who you plan to vote for this year, I would be deeply disappointed in anyone that believed this film.

I respect your intelligence on this, doing your homework is important.

I'm dumbing down for this thread because I REALLY do not want to get into something like this in THIS particular forum. I honestly regret even opening it, but I also regret looking at a few wrecks that I've driven by. I just can't help myself. My comments are taken from his speeches that I've watched on Cspan, or some similar channel. Much of them, as of late, are filled with truly immature and unprofessional comments and behavior. It's been bad enough that it has turned a few undecideds that I know in the other direction, and they were leaning toward him. I don't recall hearing Kerry make any immature remarks, he may have but I just don't recall them.

gcomfx.com said:
Watch the video again..... it not convinced, watch it once more. Crank the sound up. It's a great mod that I put off way too long, but that's mainly because I was told PI was the ONLY way to go and I wasn't dropping $800+. $800+ = Aluminum Heads

I have it saved and watch it every day to convince myself, or torture myself, either way works. So, can you really feel a difference just running around town? Just curious, but what stage is your Trans-go kit setup for?
Mrgreen94gt said:
I have it saved and watch it every day to convince myself, or torture myself, either way works. So, can you really feel a difference just running around town? Just curious, but what stage is your Trans-go kit setup for?

At any given stop sign I can flat light them up.... or I can tool around and like a normal driver.... OR I can run it up to 1,500 and slowly cruise by another nice car to let them know I mean business. (I try not to do this too much, cause I don't have my tranny cooler on yet )
You know... there are two things you DO NOT talk about in a bar. Politics and religion. I think the same should hold true for the most part here, and there is NO NEED for name calling. Having said that, I do think it is somewhat good to 'try" and discuss it here simply because MOST of the guys on here are in the 18-25yr old age group, and that is the group that can really make a difference in the election. I have NEVER been political, and normally walk away from conversations about either religion or politics, but this election has grabbed me in a way no other has. My mind is completely made up, but I came to my decision on my own after doing my own research. I watched the debates and I read all I could. The only problem is trying to read through the BS and find the facts as just about everything has some bias built into it. Do yourself a favor and really start reading up on the issues that touch you the most. You have a week guys. Check out http://www.georgewbush.com and http://www.johnkerry.com. Both are EXTREMELY biased for their canidate (you think ) but there is still some useful info there.

I will tell you the biggest problem I have with Kerry is this... He keeps saying what he is going to do, and that he has a plan. BUT, to me his track record shows that he can't be held to his word on anything. (see this link for EXAMPLES, yes they are biased but there is facts there) http://www.georgewbush.com/News/Read.aspx?ID=2439

Like Bush or not, on sept 11th he said that he would hunt down terrorist and the countries that harbor them no matter what, whether other countries were with us or not, and he has done that. I stated in another thread on this subject that I went to NYC, Wash DC, and Shanksville within 2 months of the sept 11th attacks. That experience changed me forever and I SO SUPPORT Bush and our military because of that experience. I saw the crater in the field in Shanksville where CIVILIANS stood up for their lives on flight 93, I saw the rubble in NYC where 1000's of CIVILIANS lost their lives on that dreadful day. These were CIVILIANS, not soldiers. We're not fighting a typical enemy here folks, so its a learning process for all involved. I think for the most part the Bush administration has put our country's freedom and security at the forefront of its adgenda, and I thank them for it. Kerry scares the hell out of me with the way I "think" he may handle it. I KNOW how Bush will.

Either way be nice you all, we're all friends here...
that's why i would never bring myself to vote for kerry (killer's reasoning)

as for bush being "immature," we already know what his plans are, they're in action. i think he's trying to regain some ground after being attacked in smear campains by kerry's groups and followers like moore.

here's where gcomfx comes in. You're exactly right, Moore has got to be rich from all this, so he's a brilliant money maker, it's the content i hate.

still gcomfx: as to your father not being able to find a job in the manufacturing industry, it's because ALL manufacturing jobs across the country are being outsourced to countries who's people will accept less payment. I had to switch my major from mechanical engineering to electrical just because of outsourcing. so in that respect, i'm really sorry ur dad lost his job but i don't think that's bush's fault. as for your job, i'm not sure whos fault that lies in... hope you get something good!

i've taken a years worth of political science and i'd say i'm a decent debator even though i'm only 19
donjohn said:
as for bush being "immature," we already know what his plans are, they're in action. i think he's trying to regain some ground after being attacked in smear campains by kerry's groups and followers like moore.

He's entitled to respond to smear campaigns, but someone in his position should do so with dignity and maturity, not with all the decorum of a cable news network talking head or a frat boy. I have not seen Kerry resond to the smear campaigns in such a manner. As far as I've seen, he's conducted himself with dignity and decorum, if not even a tad robotic. Now, if he had behaved as I've seen Bush do, I would be just as utterly disgusted with him.

Honestly, I still wish that McCain had won the Republican nomination instead of Bush.

And for you who actually BELIEVE he made factual errors, think again. Had he said ANYTHING untrue, he would be sued for all the burgers at Macdonalds

His facts are 100% in order and accurate. His presentation of the facts is of course sauced up.... the movie needs humour and entertainment, and pictures of Bush looking like the idiot he is So yeah, there was a LOT of showmanship in how the facts were presented, but that Bush was a liar, a man of ZERO integrity, and for all intents a purposes a criminal, is very hard to hide, even when you are trying to.

This really annoys me. People who haven't seen the movie, and assume that they know whats in it. You should realize that the bulk of the movie is actually news clips taken from CNN, NBC, and even the highly revered fox news. News clips of bush and company doing news conferences telling us what is (allegedly) going on. Sure, there are a few titled scenes with Moore in them. But most of the movie is either interviews conducted by other news sources, or interveiws moore conducted on democratic congresspeople.

Believe he made factual errors, its nota belief, its a FACT...look it up.

How is "sauced up" and accurate the same thing, its not, grab a dictionary, look it up.

The idiot he is... Lets compare his education and stature compared to yours, and at the end of that comparison we will take a poll on the "idiot" comment.
----------Do you currently posses a BA?
----------Do you currently posses a MBA?
----------Do you Currently Run the most powerful Nation on earth?

Bush does, From YALE and HARVARD none the less.

Bush "was a liar a man of zero integrity"...Becuase he said "i have inteligence reports that show WMD in iraq"...where was the lie in that? He had them, PERIOD. Integrity? He did exactly what he said, did it to best of his ability as president AND YOU SLEEP IN YOUR BED SOUNDLY, BECAUSE OF IT. (even if you are from calgary)

Criminal, i Guess you would put the senate in the "criminal" status, they voted for war...Look it up.

Basicly, dont post up unless you can back it up...just a waste of time for everyone who is into this topic.
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