Outnumbered By Idiots

Here's the latest "debate".
Feel free to answer here as well so I can easier identify those of you who've been hit with the stupid stick.

Is a 1995 mustang a foxbody?
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I can see how someone that's never heard of trick flow could be confused by the sound of it..

I resemble that remark. :nonono:

True story: when starting on my own little journey, I heard "Trick Flow" and thought "must be some fly-by-night outfit. I'll stick to Edelbrock, thank you." Not that I was super-informed about Edelbrock, either; I had just heard the name before.

Besides, why just have "trick" flow, when you can be the Flow Master? Obviously, the latter would win in a head-to-head comparison. Only Flowmaster intakes for me! :rlaugh:

Someday, I hope to be living proof than any idiot can be taught. But that day might not be today.
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