Outnumbered By Idiots

Play coy if you wish, but your over sensitive, upity demeanour and attempts to insult me on a personal level with each reply speak volumes about how deeply this debate has gotten under your skin.

It's not under my skin. I'm actually laughing. It's that whole because the majority believes it doesn't make it true thing. Seems to be the thing these days..
Been reading through this thread and it only proves that everybody's opinion is right, based on their abilities and previous experience with whatever system they were able make work or in some cases not work. It's a never ending argument. I say lets have some fun with it and run a couple cars with both systems on a freezing cold day than again on blazing hot day and start a new argument, er, discussion. I don't have a dog in this hunt just poking a stick at ya. Number one rule, no tuning beween runs.
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When I got into cars growing up the only thing fuel injected where old vettes and grumpy German cars. Everything every other production car had a carb of one kind or another. My favorite (not really) was the old Hitachi 3bbl that was on some Honda. I grew up hot rodding carb engines because there was nothing else. I prefer EFI for all of the previous mentioned reasons and more. If I were to buy another car to hot-rod and it already had a carb set-up, I would pull all of that sht off and go EFI.
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Does that really work?

I had a raccoon take up residence in my old house, so I dumped a box of moth balls in the attic and he opted to leave.

Same effect here, little fckers didn't like their nest smelling like fresh linen, so they hit the road.
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Yeah, it really kills it. The guy with the turbo fox I mentioned above just turned down a 15k offer for it. He must be sick over his loss of resale value...

And a third time FOR THE WIN!!!! An inaccurate post by gear bangaaaaaaaarrrrrrr!!!!!
If you were to take my car, stock engine with bolt ons, and remove the EFI and replace it with a carb, what do you think would happen to the value of my car if I was to sell it?

About the $15k offer. I'd refuse it too. I'd guess that a 900hp fox costs waaaay more than $15k.
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On the subject of resale I can only state my feelings about it, When buying my last 2 Mustangs I didn't look twice at any of them that were carb swapped except one, that's because it had a stout bottom end and I was going to plan on going EFI anyways. Just my .02 though some may love the carb swapped ones but I would guess the majority do not.
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My EFI love is waivering these days. With the reliability of TFI modules on my car, a carb conversion is starting to have some appeal.

Can I get a distributor with points so all I need when it breaks down on the side of the road is some sandpaper and a feeler gauge?
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If that's your biggest issue then you're doing better than most.

Fat Foxxx TFI relocation kit, done
This is what really gets me about a carb conversion. Guys that are frustrated( trust me I feel your pain. We've all been at that point) throw in the towel and slap on a carb. In reality the amount of time/ money/ effort it takes to properly convert a car to a carb set up it could have been diagnosed, repaired, and running a couple times over. I agree with @madmike1157 , you only need to diagnose and fix these things once. Bad over the counter parts side these are simple issues.
Look. Some here will say that I'm excited. Some here will say that I'm frustrated. Some here will say that I'm upset because people crack on carburetors.
I ain't none of that.
All I'll say to that is people will dog a carburetor, and come up with all kinds of reasons pointing out how old, or how unreliable they are and have NEVER EVEN OWNED ONE IN THIER LIVES.

Unless you have practical experience in running one, (and not because it was on the engine that your uncle Bejusus left you on his 200k mile 62 Falcon) please refrain from making expert commentary to the contrary.

Anybody,.......(I'll say that again) Anybody that is marginally competent with a carburetor knows that they are not the "roadside breakdown waiting to happen" that they are made out to be, and that is a fact. To throw out a bunch of "it leaks", or "you have to re-jet it when the weather changes" or other BS just confirms that they were/are woefully lacking in any mechanical apptitudes that would make jetting a carburetor seem like a herculean task.

I've had both. in factory and aftermarket applications in both accounts. I believe that EFI is superior to a carburetor in it's ability to do the job across all fronts excepting simplicity, and cost. There are arguments as to a carburetor making more power than an EFI system (the point of the thread) but I cannot testify to that so I won't attempt to.

The red car sold for 12.5k back in 2012. It had a carb. I do not believe that had it had an EFI system on it, it would've mattered. I do think that had the car been an otherwise stock 89 though, that having a carb on it would've been a point of contention. How much it would've reduced potential value, would only be mitigated by how well it ran. And it ran very well.
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