Spending 5K$ on a stock 88GT 5.0 need opinions

also i'm putting on a Paxton Novi 2000 and bigger injectors also fitting a larger maf... my plan is to spend around 5K more on other mods and i'm thinking of anything from more beefy brakes to trickflow heads and intake to a 4.10 rear.. but all of it cant fit my wallet and i cant figure out what to go with! the car is also getting a cowl 3" and a new rear bumper.. also needs new paint.. all of these take up around 1500$ so anyway what would you guys buy? i'm getting the paxton and what would fit best besides a 4.10 rear - intake and a cam or heads and cam or or or?
any ideas will be apreciated.. was also thinking of getting a shiftkit but my problem is also that i have to buy everything from the same place to save on shipping costs.. cus i live in europe..
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