Stangs and Kids


Dirt-Old 20+Year Member
Dec 5, 2003
Buffalo, NY
How many people have managed to balance their Mustang hobby with kids? Is it even possible?
I have a 9 month old daughter and although I love her to no end, she always seems to take up all the time I used to have with my car. I swore I'd never get rid of my Stang, but now I wonder if that is what will eventually happen. Normally I would have my car out of storage by now (I store it at my wife's grandmother's house about 20 miles away), but as of today, it still sits in it's winter storage spot - mainly because whenever I plan on getting it, something else pops up being more important. Besides - even when I am able to get it out, I'll never have time to work on it! The car is definately not perfect. My clutch is on it's last leg, I have to replace the headliner, my radio stopped working over the winter, I really want to do a 3G alternator upgrade, etc, etc, etc. Normally, this is stuff that I would normally do over various summer weekends. I guess this whole situation is sort of depressing.
So - how has everyone else done it, or are kids and Stangs sort of like mixing water and oil together?
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Not to worry bro... it gets much much better. Kids under a year old are worthless, crying, bags of poop and water. lol Later on they develop personality, and curiosity, and will not want to leave your side. They want to do the things you want to do even. Here's a couple shots of what I mean. My little girl always wants to be in the thick of things when Daddy is working on the car. She asks questions about nothing that makes any sense and like to play with and hand me tools. It's great fun! :)

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Sometimes, I have to stop what I'm doing and let her play or play with her for a few minutes until she gets her "fix" and the curiosity is satisfied... then it's back to work! :)
I agree, I ve got 3 kids (6,4, 8 months) and the 2 older ones LOVE to help me work on the car. They especially like going for rides and are always aksing me to do "super speed" even though my car is wicked slow, lol. Makes you feel good.
I have 2 Stangs and 3 kids. I got my first Stang when my first daughter was 6 mos old. It was a '67 Mustang. I have had Stangs and kids for 16 years now. It works out fine. Now, my first daughter can be spotted kissing the hood of my Mother's new '06. PRICELESS!!
Daggar, Tony and Frankenstang - thanks for the words of encouragement... I was just frustrated because it's BEAUTIFUL outside today and I'm watching TV and trolling the internet because the baby is a grump.
Even funnier - my wife's grandmother made it a point to call over here today (after my initial post) to say she swept out most the garage today and will sweep the rest out after I get my car out... Is THAT a hint or what?!? :bang: :bang: :bang:
Like I said, I love my daughter but it's frustrating...good to hear it gets better though.
~FrankenStang~ said:
ummm, daggar? Is that YOU? Were you in Super Troopers? LOL

Your daughter is ADORABLE!

BUSTED! I'm going to have to ask you to provide your license, registration, and any articles of clothing you might be wearing. :D
my dad did.. with me and my sister.. restoring his muscle cars.. just had to watch me.. i was curious and just about killed myself everyday from some various power tool lol :(
I have 2 boys, 11 and 8 and a girl, 5. All love Daddy's car and have learned how to appreciate other peoples cars at car shows. Unfortunately it is a 4 seater and we are a family of 5 so we can't all go to car shows like we used to. I usually take the boys, but I can see that my little girl will be getting to go with Daddy real soon. Patience, the days of diapers and baby food go by too fast and you never know where the time went. Enjoy both, :nice:
well its good to hear that you guys atleast have your prioroties straight. i swear i know some people that would just leave their kid sitting there and not pay them any attention so they could work on their car or they spend all their money on their car and hardly have anything to give the kid. so thumbs up to you guys
dragnazz5.0 said:
well its good to hear that you guys atleast have your prioroties straight. i swear i know some people that would just leave their kid sitting there and not pay them any attention so they could work on their car or they spend all their money on their car and hardly have anything to give the kid. so thumbs up to you guys

My X was that way which is one reason why he's my X. LOL

My kids will always come first but luckily, I never had to choose.
I have a 2.5 year old girl. She loves the Mustang. She tells me go faster. She likes the horsey on the dash. She really likes when I hit second and spin into 3rd. She laughs. I told my wife she will have the fastest car in high school.
like every one else said, it gets easier with time, but that first 2 years is rough. I have twin 5 year old boys, and I just bought my wife a 93 GT vert for a DD. they have been riding in mustangs since about a year old, and loved my 87 ragtop before I sold it. I also have a 67 I am restoring, and I just use the time they are asleep or napping to work on it. those days of working all day on the car are probabaly gone for awhile though! just hang in there, it does get easier and they do love working with you, mine can do as much on a car at 5 years old as I could when I was a teen. keyword is Patience!!!
aaron11272 said:
How many people have managed to balance their Mustang hobby with kids? Is it even possible?
I have a 9 month old daughter and although I love her to no end, she always seems to take up all the time I used to have with my car. I swore I'd never get rid of my Stang, but now I wonder if that is what will eventually happen. Normally I would have my car out of storage by now (I store it at my wife's grandmother's house about 20 miles away), but as of today, it still sits in it's winter storage spot - mainly because whenever I plan on getting it, something else pops up being more important. Besides - even when I am able to get it out, I'll never have time to work on it! The car is definately not perfect. My clutch is on it's last leg, I have to replace the headliner, my radio stopped working over the winter, I really want to do a 3G alternator upgrade, etc, etc, etc. Normally, this is stuff that I would normally do over various summer weekends. I guess this whole situation is sort of depressing.
So - how has everyone else done it, or are kids and Stangs sort of like mixing water and oil together?

Yeah keep your car, the kid will love it as long as you let her take pictures to show and tell and don't drive to fast. My 6 year old daughter started crying when I told her I was going to put the Mustang up for sale a few weeks ago, needless to say, I didn't sell it.
Wow talk about the perfect thread. I was wondering the same thing. I got my stang about 2 1/2 years ago. My daughter turned 1 about a month ago. I havent done anything serious to the car in about 18 months, go figure :shrug: :D I WANT to play with the car but she always seems more interesting. Especially now that she can walk...well toddle. She kinda walks like an orangutan. :rlaugh: I ripped the car seat out of the Jeep and threw it in the front seat of the car today and took her on her first Mustang cruise. Put her sunglasses on, rolled down the window, and fired her up. She started giggling and skreetching and clapping her hands...THATS MY GIRL!!!!!! Me=One proud father :nice: We drove around for almost an hour and she thought it was the best thing since sliced bread. I think my hobby and my daughter will work out just fine :flag: