Steering wheel wraps??


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Aug 3, 2004
atl ga
I am looking for those NICE ones where you can wrap the steering wheel in factory style leather(someone posted a link a while ago but I didn't save it). My wheel is starting to show the 15 years of use and I want to fix it up a lil. Any good suggestions welcome! :SNSign:
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grey5.0beast said:
I am looking for those NICE ones where you can wrap the steering wheel in factory style leather(someone posted a link a while ago but I didn't save it). My wheel is starting to show the 15 years of use and I want to fix it up a lil. Any good suggestions welcome! :SNSign:

+1 im in the same boat only my wheel is an LX one, so its not wrapped to begin with!
Ditto here. I think I posted on here before (or was it Ages ago, I don't recall...) about how I was having a hard time finding a slip-on steering wheel cover that actually FITS an '87-'89 Fox wheel because the wheel is about 1" too small in diameter to allow for a snug enough fit to keep the thing from spinning around uselessly in your grasp. The only haphazard solution I came up with was to take a few 1" lengths of 1" diameter radiator hose, split them in half lengthwise, and use them sort of as shims between the steering wheel cover and the wheel, itself. Being that you have a '91 model, though, you likely don't have that problem, since you've got the big ol' Crown Vic style airbag-equipped 14" wheel.

So, as far as slip-on covers go, the two best I've found are the plain fabric (nylon) covers you'll find in Wal-Mart (if you're lucky enough to find the smaller size, the more common 14"-15" one is way too huge for me, but would fit yours just fine), and then there's the genuine leather slip-on that you'll find there or at any Autozone, Checker Auto, Advance Auto, etc. in America.

The sew-on type leather covers LOOK nicer, but I dunno if they, too, would be too big around to really fit properly on a '87-'89 Fox wheel without some trimming and fancy sewing work (needle-and-thread sewing, that is, not the lacing-of-shoes type that's needed for the usual install). Again, probably not an issue for the '90+ Foxes. Last I recall, I spotted these for sale at Pep Boys and Checker Auto, but Wally World and Autozone don't carry the plain leather ones, from what I've seen.

EVERYONE sells those stupid perforated vinyl plastic ones with the lacing you just wrap around the whole shadoodle over and over again 'till you wind up with a big knot at the end of that plastic string (which you'll find will poke and scratch the poopie outta your hands every other time you're making a turn in a parking lot). Not only are they hideous looking, but they don't do diddly-squat for keeping the steering wheel from being blisteringly hot (if anything, they make it worse), and those little holes fill up with hand gunk in a month or so to a point that it looks nasty and can only reasonably be cleaned by replacing the whole darned thing.

If worse comes to worse, you could always just score a whole steering wheel from a wrecked Fox or Panther (Crown Vic, Grand Monkey, Town Car) and transfer your airbag and such over to that one - it's the airbag most folks want and yards charge a ton for 'em, but not so much the wheel, itself.

Hope this helps!
Bring your car to an apulstry shop and get an estimate. They may recover your style of wheel. Mine was $75 to get recovered but my wheel is the old style kind of like a leather wrapped grant wheel.
glowstang93 said:
I really like my leather slip on cover. Its made by Pilot, got it at wal-mart. Its just straight black and gives the wheel a better feel and looks nice with the interior still imo.

Dam nice interior there! How'd you get those door pockets to keep from sagging?
And do you have any more of those center council cig lighter doors????
Is that a blood pressure cuff I spy under the armrest? :D

I'd sure like to get one of those covers like that to fit on mine, but again, it's just an inch too small and my little trick of adding shims only kinda-sorta works (certain brands/types just don't seem to jive with it).

Spending $50+ for one of those Wheelskins seems a bit excessive, considering one could get a whole new steering wheel for $80.
[/QUOTE]am nice interior there! How'd you get those door pockets to keep from sagging?
And do you have any more of those center council cig lighter doors????[/QUOTE]

I used to use the pockets to keep papers like receipts from tires and stuff, but I started noticing that the pockets really weren't made to hold stuff too well, so I stopped using them. Last week I took a small piece of 3m molding tape and just put it between the pocket and the door to help keep the ds side up a little better. Its not sagging, but it makes it look better.

Sorry, that the original ashtray door. I think I have had to take the console apart 2 times at least when myself of the dealership thought they could lean across it and popped the spring loose. You just can't put that spring in without taking the console top off to get to it. Whomever dreamed that up must have been an engineer (I can say that because I have an engineering degree :rolleyes: ).

Not a blood pressure cuff, that the manual bulb that pumps up the lumbar support in the Corbeau seat. Its kinda nice, something else to play with on a long trip, haha. I've only been putting about 250 miles a month lately, just not going anywhere besides to work.:(

Thank you for the compliments. Everyone's cars on here are nice :nice: