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New Member
Jul 30, 2005
What do you think about buying a classic mustang for a daily driver? How much would it take to buy and restore one to reliable working condition? (By "reliable" I mean it will go from point A to B.) I'm planning to buy a car in a few months (this will be my only car), and I'm trying to weigh the cost of a newer car with that of a classic plus some restoration cost. I'm open to different year models if some would be better than others. You might also want to know that I'm not much of a mechanic, so this would be a learning experience if I did much of the work myself.


I use my 67 as a daily driver for the past 3 years or so, but I am shopping around for a beater car that I can use for commuting and such.Main reasons being, atrocious gas mileage like 8-10 mpg, no a/c and I'm in Texas. But the car has been very reliable for me, but it needs to be paid attention to. I'm always checking my oil levels, coolant, changing spark plugs, brake fluid etc. I've had to make rather large repairs, transmission such as a new tranny, power steering, but I had that done. Didn't have the tools nor the experience to do it myself. So I guess it depends on what kind of driving you plan on doing, short in town driving or longer commuting.
My commute is about 30 min of highway driving (in Texas). Right now I'm the proud owner of an '87 Park Avenue hand-me-down. The gas mileage isn't bad, and the a/c works occasionally. I'm not too worried about a little more maitanance. I'd just rather drive something I care about than something "practical."
i bought my stang to be able to drive the sucker when i wanted, how i wanted. as soon as i got my license, i drove it to my highschool everyday to and from for abuot 5 or 6 months. highschool can be rough on a car. peer pressure gets to ya when friends are telling you to spin your tires out of the parking lot

i eventually bought my truck and use it. on nice cool days i still drive the stang. just make sure that it is reliable before you start using it to commute. i've had flats happen (fix a flat helps) and leaking antifreeze. you just have to know that unless you put alot of money into the car its not going to be perfect and you have to suspect some things to happen.
If you are not experienced mechanically, driving a vintage car daily can be stressful and expensive. Always have a backup to a 40 year old car. The novelty will wear off eventually.