The SN65 project car

In my opinion it is your car to do with what you like. Having said that you have invested too much time and money to not try for the Ridler it is worth too much money and recognition for a job well done not to try. I check everyday for an update but I can weight till it is done. Go for it man and kick there @$$. :nice:
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Well, you warned us quite some time ago that as the car started to reach completion you would stop posting overall shots of the car and only show close up detail for input or advice untill after its first major unveilling. If that time has come then so be it. Don't compromise any possible acclaimation on account you feel you owe us something. Afterall, you guys did all the work and we've been incredibly priviledged to have been given such insight to the project and openess to opinion afforded by you.
as much as we will whine and cry that we cant have any photos, you have to try for the riddler. if not, you will always ask yourself "what if?". you have put this much time and effort into this project you owe it to yourself (and us too :SNSign: !!) to win this award. make sure to point out to them the custom pieces that you had to fabricate to connect the chassis to the body. parts like the cowl side panels and frame rail pieces. we cant miss out on this opportunity. this is a once in a lifetime thing for most. then we can all hang our heads up high knowing that we helped guide this project along.

if you keep posting pics and decide not to go for the riddler, you will get this as a present.....


good luck!! we cant wait until the show!!!
65mistress said:
Well you can't publish the pictures, but can you email them to the people who request them? I say go for broke, no sense in stopping now, you never know. :nice:

I was sorta thinking about that myself, until I looked up the definition of 'publish'. It basically means 'to be made public' and even if you only send it to one person, it has been made public.

I say go for broke. If nothing else, send them a copy of the episode that was recently done on V8TV or whatever it was.

I think if they see it they'll go....

:jaw: :jaw: :jaw: :jaw: :jaw: :jaw: :jaw:
That was my thoughts exactly. I seen the V8TV episode and if the "powers that be" saw this episode, they would change their minds. I can't believe they said you would "Fall short on the engineering side", please! They just don't understand yet what you have done. Let them know!
I think you should go for the Riddler. This is your dream that you have built and this may be your ticket. I think all of us spectators can agree that it has taken a whole lot of work to get your project to the point it is and not simply glueing a body and chassis together. This can work in your advantages with the judges once they see it in person possibly. I would rather wait a few weeks and see your car have an opportunity at greatness than keep looking at pictures on my computer. Your work deserves to be displayed.
SN65 said:
On another note, I talked with the powers that be at the Detroit Autoramma. They tell me that our project sounds interesting, but it probably will not be considered for the "Ridler" award. We figured as much, but the reason he gave me was a little surprising. The fellow said that it the award emphasizes "creativity, engineering and workmanship" He felt that our project might fall short on the "engineering" side. I believe that he really did not understand the scope of the project. He probably believes that we just cut two cars apart and welded them together. From his point of view, we really did not "create" or "engineer" anything. All we did was graft two cars together. Nothing that requires any engineering. It is not as if we designed the car from scratch....

I am sure if your name had been Foose or Boyd, you would have had that reward thingy by now :rolleyes:

That said, for us to have any hope at the Autoramma we have to stop publishing photos of the car. The car actually looks like a car right now and they have rather firm requirements that the car not be published in its finished form.

If you stop publishing pictures, LOTS of people here and on other forums are going to be really PISSED OFF, so you better be feeding us with LOTS of pictures :nice:
1320stang said:
I was sorta thinking about that myself, until I looked up the definition of 'publish'. It basically means 'to be made public' and even if you only send it to one person, it has been made public.

In that case, go for greatness. :nice: we'll see it when the magazines publish the picture of you guys holding the award standing next to the car.
Being a young engineer, I would like to know where the ''powers that be'' received their engineering degree.

Your project exhibits qualities in all forms of engineering, with the mechanical aspects of making the old, new. You adapted to the troubles of an older vehicle, and created a car which was not only tasteful in it's overall appearance, but will drive and perform like one of today's top sports vehicles. In addition you have created special systems and touches which bring the car up to that level of show quality, even finding yourselves a niche in finding ways to keep the car somewhat stock appearing yet incorporating all the modern safety provisions and great features which a modern car would come standard with.

I'm not sure many other vehicle builders could say the same, even Ford themselves went after this technique of building a car.
Hi All,

New update at the site. Here is one of the photos.



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Hi All,

Today the glass goes in. I am really pumped. This is the last major item prior to installing the interior. Wish us luck.


PS: All this talk of the "Ridler" has been fun. But the Ridler is not something you actually enter, but something for which you are chosen. I hope that all the comments, both yea and nea, have given everybody food for thought. That maybe some of the comments here will inspire you to look at your car project a little differently than the current status quo. Be different, take chances. Just because everyone else does things in a certain way, does not mean that you have to.
I must say i've been following this project religiously in the past few months. I love this idea and hope to use many of your innovations in my project. One thing I've been considering for my car which I think may look great on yours is HID headlights. I am planning on getting these for my stang.