where do u work!

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i hustle up cat. converters, alum. and most important: copper.... while this may sound like a loser job... converters will get me anywherre from $5-$45 #1 copper is up to like 2.50-2.75 right now and alum wheels (withoud tires) $9.

and im selling to a guy that takes the stuff to SC so its hard to tell what he's getting out of it.

and i deliver news papers

i was painting car off-and-on with/for my uncle, but i got tired of that crap
I was a Machinist until the shop closed in May. my most recent job was an Internship in Sherwin William's Automotive Division. During the school year I am a Resident advisor at Ferris State University, I take a lot of **** from pain in the ass people but it pays for half the bill so ill take it.
Rtanger84 said:
That will also reveal who i am will reveal saturday

your killing me!! at least answer this, are you like in a huge popular mega band that most of us have heard of, and have made millions of dollars in doing so and have had more then 1 album????

Im an Art Director for a home marketing place in New Jersey.. anyone have job openings let me know!!!! here's the site if your curious www.twinvisioninc.com all the stuff you see there for the most part i design....
I'm a Design Engineer for Weatherford Intl. in the Tubular Running Services division. I just graduated in May so you could say I am doing well for myself. Whoever made the comment about not wanting to do any manual labor and wanting to become an engineer, you may want to rethink that. A person that can work with their hands is very valuable Mechanical Engineer. Thats part of the reason I got offered so much. I worked in the summers moving and setting up mobile homes, welding, carpentry work, electrical and plumbing. When I got in college I was a mechanic at a Dodge dealership. Let's just say now I have certainly moved waaaaay up in the last few months.
I am a union construction electrician.

We pretty much do electrical construction involving water treatment plants. Both drinking water and wastewater. Pretty good job been with the company for 7 years and have worked my way up to jobsite foreman/superintendint. Basically I am the boss for all the electricians that are on my construction site.