88 LX Build Log

Got the heads back Friday. They'll be getting a coat of paint today. I also cleaned up the intake yesterday. Sand blasted it then threw it in the parts washer.
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Finally ordered all my gaskets and everything from Summit today. Also went and picked up a new T-Stat and ACT sensor. I also gave the heads a coat of paint today. I'll be sand blasting the VC's and some other things this week also. If everything comes in this week/weekend I'll be putting everything back together hopefully.
Well since Summit sent me two of the same head gaskets(can't use a left side one, on the right side), I went ahead and started working on cleaning up my valve covers. I sand blasted them last week, then painted them last night, then sanded them this morning. Started out with 100 grit, then hit them with 220, then finished it off with a red Scotch Brite pad.

Around noon I had it to this stage:

Then I made a run to get some oil and anti-freeze and went back to work:

It took me about an hour to get that distributor in there. PITA! Need to get a throttle body gasket, install that, bolt up the alternator, and double check everything and it'll be ready to run! I also hooked up my MM steering shaft and rerouted my clutch cable. So glad I rerouted that cable too because it made it so much softer.
Started it up today. I have a few small leaks like the fuel pressure gauge, small valve cover leak, and a small exhaust leak. I need to set the lash on the rockers and add about another quart of oil in it and then it should be good to go. I'd like to take it somewhere and have it actually tuned though so that I know it's reliable. Other than some chattery valves, it's running fine. Starts up and idles great so far.

Proof that she does still move:

And the finished motor(for now):

I need to set the lash on the rockers so I'll be tearing it down again next weekend probably. Who knows, might start on it tomorrow if it's not 100* again. Kinda sucks that I have to tear into it again but that's what I get for not doing things the first time. I'm thinking about painting the intake to match the valve covers. Maybe...I don't really know yet. Kind of like it how it is.
Adjustable 1.6's. Figured the set screw(which sets the lash, correct?) was in the same spot as when I removed them so it should have been ok. Lesson learned though. For being only 18, and this being my first time doing motor work, I was just happy that it started up and didn't explode haha