A/FR guage problems


New Member
May 14, 2004
I hooked up my air fuel ratio guage today, took the purple and spliced it into one of the 2 white wires ( like I read how to on this site from a forum search )
and i took the red and black wires and got power from the cd player ( by inserting wires into positive and negative sockets until guage was lit ).
started up car, and the afr guage wont show anything off of totally lean, yet my car still manages to spit out black smoke, so its definately rich) Something in the guage wiring is wrong but i dont know what.. anyone?
-might of spliced into the wrong white wire, but there are 2 which look exactly the same
-might have a power issue..?
-guage issue
-i might just be doing it totally wrong and need some guiding light

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[I'm assuming the wire colors listed are for the o2 sensor itself and not the vehicle wiring.]

The 2 white wires are for the heater in the o2 sensor. The wire you need is the black one. Gray is signal return (ground reference).


You also need to get better power supply connections, especially a better ground. Like crimped connections, or a soldered spice into the wire, not just shoved into a socket. The ground is also the reference for the signal. You need that to be a very soild connection for accurate readings.

Ok, got the guage to work.. now where would you suggest getting power? I tried soldering the wires from the cd player jack into the guage power cables... but no cigar. I dont really want to run the wires into the engine bay unless it is a must.
What is the cd player jack? Are you taking about the connector that plugs into the Mach 460 system's CD player? Or an aftermarket CD player in place of the factory radio? What color is the wires that you are connecting into and what color is the connector on the wire? Or the cigarette lighter socket? How was it connected so that you got it to work?

You should be able to use a power wire for the radio. That would turn the gauge on and off with the car (like the radio does). What radio system do you have? Base, mach 460, premium?
