

Dec 1, 2005
Well, I went to pick my girlfriend up from where she works..and it's a shopping center with a pretty decently sized parking lot... A few guys there wanted to see me light them up so I gave in to peer pressure and had some fun..:rolleyes:
I went to a corner where there were no cars, people, or anything for atleast 50 yards from my car. I start lighting them up, go into a doughnut, etc..I then pull the car back up to where the people were and start talking.. as the one kids ride drives away (his dad picked him up) his father starts smoking the tires (well tire, no posi) in the truck. So they're leaving and about 5 minutes later he calls to say the cops are coming. I finish up talking and get in my car with my girl and leave through the side lot. As I'm pulling out a cop pulls in on the other direction and we make full eye contact.. I fly around the place on the open road and then try to get out to the highway to make my get-away... The cop then goes out the main enterence and is 4 cars behind me (about a quarter mile) so I step on it only to notice a car is about 1/8th a mile infront of me so I said **** it and pulled over. He goes on asking if i knew what i did wrong, complements me on my car, asked if I payed for it, if it's mine, why i did the burnouts/doughnuts (umm.. because i was thinking about buying a puppy... why the **** do you think i was? it's fun..), where i was going (well, at that time, in circles), and where i live (it says on my drivers license, stupid). So in the beginning I asked him if he wants me to lie or not.. he said either way I'm getting a ticket.. so I started to joke around with him and make him laugh some.. 2 minutes later backup arrives... he then informs me that he called for backup because he knew I could outrun him and goes to explain how they would corner me.. Then me being a smartass say "well, if i went this way to the highway i'd be free.." and he goes..."wow, good plan...".. anyway, he then said don't do it again blah,blah,blah... The ticket's in the mail... no points on the license.. just a few bucks he said.. I'll see the fine when it comes.. He never caught me "in the act" so maybe I'll fight it..

Disclaimer: I never did any of this, it's just a scenero.:rolleyes:
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:D I did similar thing in florida and got a wreckless driving on my record for it.All I was doing was backing up in the rain from a parking spot and the tires gave jus a little,enough to bark.As im leaving the parking lot,I see lights from like 1/4 mile behind me.Goes into this crap how I could have injured someone,after he pulls me,and he wasnt anywhere around!I said Man I was backing up wtf,bang ticket :ban: and almost had to giveup license if not for a few last second butt kisses.Go to court and explain this,all I got was extra court charges as im paying my ticket on the way out the door!

Moral is:Back into parking spots in the rain.:)
I got a ticket in Myrtle Beach on Ocean Blvd because some drunk ****s in the bar were encouraging everyone to spin their tires, and everyone did, so of course when I roll up I chirp the tires, and of course the myrtle beach pd golf cart was riding by, and they pulled up beside me and made me pull into the bar parking lot and they proceeded to give me a ticket, the whole time the bar guys are laughing at me :owned: . they gave me some bull**** "improper start" ticket, $150!!!! :mad: While its kind of funny looking back at it now, it pissed me off when it happened. But really it was just the myrtle beach cops trying to make some money. They gave my friend a ticket for "failure to care" because he didnt stop in the median of a 4-lane divided highway, which you dont have to do anyway; Im pretty sure failure to care isint a real law anyway, but yea, that was an $85 ticket for him. Moral is, dont do anything stupid in Myrtle Beach.
Its alot about your attitude and behavior.

If you act like the guilty party and try to GTFO they will treat you like it. If you drive normal while leaving...or better yet go inside the store (if still open) and "shop" how are they to know what went on.

One night we had a rental impalla and in our work parking lot we took some spray oil "pam" and put it all over the tires. With the e-brake on we just lit them up until the lot across the street was full of smoke. The cops came as the got a repor the carwash across the street was on fire, yes that much smoke. We were all "yes sir, how you doing tonight". They were stoped in a traffic stop and said "wow someone is having some fun...we should be there". We ended up talking about how the new impalla had crappy brake fade but the nice e-brake peddle for j-turns v.the old vics. This talking went on for about 20min. Then they had to go.

We (buds and I) have done things like this several times with the police or fire dept. coming to "inspect". It got to the point they would just do laps on slow nights to see what we would end up doing.

Never got a ticket.
I agree,my dads a cop and it is all about attitude.Except in florida.I dont know what it is with these guys down here,but once they pull you,your getting a ticket for something.Being nice just makes them nicer as they write you up.Knowing this,you can see why I get aggravated.I get pulled all the time for noise pollution,give me a break,noise pollution.I travel all over the U.S. for my work,and noone ever gives me as much crap as florida cops cept maybe texas and virginia,they blow too.
Guess it's time for some police input on this one. With me attitude is everything when I stop a car for something. When I stop a car I always have a reason to write a ticket for something but the drivers attitude usually always determines if they get a ticket or a warning (well in most situations). For minor traffic violations that do not endanger someone or something and the driver is polite they usually get a warning. Now the minute I walk up and encounter a jackass that is the minute I stop being nice and start strokin out a pink piece of paper.
2L8ULUZ2 said:
Guess it's time for some police input on this one. With me attitude is everything when I stop a car for something. When I stop a car I always have a reason to write a ticket for something but the drivers attitude usually always determines if they get a ticket or a warning (well in most situations). For minor traffic violations that do not endanger someone or something and the driver is polite they usually get a warning. Now the minute I walk up and encounter a jackass that is the minute I stop being nice and start strokin out a pink piece of paper.

is marijuana a gateway drug :rolleyes:
2L8ULUZ2 said:
Guess it's time for some police input on this one. With me attitude is everything when I stop a car for something. When I stop a car I always have a reason to write a ticket for something but the drivers attitude usually always determines if they get a ticket or a warning (well in most situations). For minor traffic violations that do not endanger someone or something and the driver is polite they usually get a warning. Now the minute I walk up and encounter a jackass that is the minute I stop being nice and start strokin out a pink piece of paper.

If I stop you then you are getting a ticket. I usually only stop severe stuff, 100mph+ etc. If you are a jackass I just use that as a reason to really load you up. We print our tickets out in our cars here with FHP. I can paste your DL info and tag info to the ticket with two clicks on my computer, so writing multiple tickets is easy. I had some son of a bitch run from me the other night. He didnt get away from me in the car but ditched it in a parking lot and took off on foot. I refuse to chase people after they bail out of a car for safety reasons. So I just towed the car, ticketed some of the passengers, and arrested one of them. When I finally catch up to the driver he will be getting about 8 charges.
S/CBlack95GT said:
If I stop you then you are getting a ticket. I usually only stop severe stuff, 100mph+ etc. If you are a jackass I just use that as a reason to really load you up. We print our tickets out in our cars here with FHP. I can paste your DL info and tag info to the ticket with two clicks on my computer, so writing multiple tickets is easy. I had some son of a bitch run from me the other night. He didnt get away from me in the car but ditched it in a parking lot and took off on foot. I refuse to chase people after they bail out of a car for safety reasons. So I just towed the car, ticketed some of the passengers, and arrested one of them. When I finally catch up to the driver he will be getting about 8 charges.
:rlaugh: :rlaugh: :lol: :lol: i wish i can run into you!!!!
S/CBlack95GT said:
If I stop you then you are getting a ticket. I usually only stop severe stuff, 100mph+ etc. If you are a jackass I just use that as a reason to really load you up. We print our tickets out in our cars here with FHP. I can paste your DL info and tag info to the ticket with two clicks on my computer, so writing multiple tickets is easy. I had some son of a bitch run from me the other night. He didnt get away from me in the car but ditched it in a parking lot and took off on foot. I refuse to chase people after they bail out of a car for safety reasons. So I just towed the car, ticketed some of the passengers, and arrested one of them. When I finally catch up to the driver he will be getting about 8 charges.

That makes no sense to me IE: I refuse to chase people on foot for saftey reasons.....isn't a high speed chase a LOT MORE dangerous??????????
cobra259 said:
That makes no sense to me IE: I refuse to chase people on foot for saftey reasons.....isn't a high speed chase a LOT MORE dangerous??????????

he's probably talking about his own safety. Chase a guy around a corner, then WHAM there he is with a 2x4 swinging at your head...

On another note, we had a breifing today about a new stupid law going into effect in Colorado seems that if you rev your engine, that is considered some form of provocation of street racing and you'll get a ticket. Get caught reving your engine again, and you'll lose your license. :shrug:
Me and my friends have this thing where we like to sit in highly visible locations with our cars and give a show for traffic going by in town. A lot of the time this draws the local police to drive up and talk to us. I have a history with a few of the officers because they used to be my baseball coaches, and we just shoot the breeze when they come up and see how things are. I try not to do anything stupid in town just because you never know what can happen so I don't have trouble there. The only real gripe I have about officers is pulling people over without a good reason. I've been with friends who have been pulled over for a tail light being out... which wasn't out. The other thing I don't like is being pulled over for window tint. Now I know the argument behind it, officer safety, but tint laws in Michigan are retarted. You can have any darkness in the rear windows, and any darkness on the front driver and passenger windows from the top 4 inches down. I tinted my other car with 9% on the rears and 39% on the front and I've been pulled over 4 times for it. That's just a personal gripe I guess, but I am lucky because I havn't gotten a ticket yet.
i have been pulled over more than a few times in my day too. and i have learned that the more polite and "humble" i am, the nicer the policeman is going to be to me.

one time i was pulled over for speeding and i had expired plates from a different car on (how stupid is that????). at least the other car was mine (i had sold it and bought the stang, but i hadn't done the plates yet). i was sure i would be arrested or something. but i was really humble and respectful. he let me go with just a warning and he told me i had better get the plates straightened out right away, which i did.

another time, i got pulled over while i was riding my bike (a bicycle!) because i was in the far left lane and i was like WTF? i'm making a goddamm left turn! he got pissed and wrote me a ticket for endangerment or something stupid.

Stangster5.0 said:
2l8uluz2,is that wilmington NC in your profile.If so,I work outta a company called alltek there.Ive been to the shop on 3 seperate occasions and love that town.If not,jus disregard post!:rolleyes:

No that is for Western North Carolina. Basically if you get on I-40 in Wilmington and head west for about 425mi and exit off you are in my hometown.