girl needing electrical help :(

Cruised into a bar on the shore
He picture graced a grime on his door
She a long lost love at first sight
Baby, mabye you're wrong
But you know it's all right - that's right

Back stage we're having the time
Of our lives until somebody says
'Forgive me if I seem out of line'
Then she whipped out a gun
Tried to blow me away

Dude Looks Like A Lady
Dude Looks Like A Lady
Dude Looks Like A Lady
Dude Looks Like A Lady
hahahah yall are halllarious to come back and read....teeheehee.....anyways, for those of you who care about CAR TALK.....i fixed my car this was not the switch.....its actually threads on the bolt for my main ground were practically ground wasa touching metal....until i hit a bump....that explains it goin off and then back on.....that explain i regrounded it...and they work fine thank you all for your input....ill be back (in my own thread) for help on other stuff im sure... (and thanks franken....thats the same idea i had.....i thought theyd be pissed) and hahahah im STIIIILLLL not a guy....and although you say your mind is made up im sure its drving you craaaaazzzyyy hahahah

no but not
thanks glad it was easy to....i was paranoid i was gonna have to rip my dash off and trace a wire....cause i started by lookin at my windshield wiper switch...and when that was unplugged and it kept doin it i knew it wasnt the plug and freaked out
for noooooo reason......but dont worry....somethin crazy will happen to it again soon enough

....dun dun dun and the manly chick will return lol