Has AnyOne Hit 200mph W/00-04 GT

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That was un-called for. I'll dig that issue out of my stacks sometime when I'm looking for another one to bash someone with.
Whatever - read it for yourself...
1) My whole point was that I don't see how someone would/could drive a car set up like this over 2000 miles one way. It just doesn't seem practical. But what am I thinking...the 5.0 Bible said it happened, so it must be so.
Your whole point is you seem to think this is some sort of internet myth or something...? Whether you believe it or not, it's true.
2)I've got Eibach springs on stock dampeners and have to watch the speed bumps I go over. Sure, coil-overs may be adjustable, but back to factory ride height?
This arguement is so weak, I don't even need to respond.

3)"New paragraph, new argument." Well, I didn't get along with my English teachers 15 years ago, why should I start now?
Another pointless remark. My point was you were seemingly making a list of reasons why you thought this story was untrue, one paragraph after another. Whether you got along with your English teachers means nothing to me and doesn't support your position in this thread at all.

4)Why would I dispute how much you paid for a gallon of gas? Is this going from bashing to smarta$$?
Why? Because you seem to dispute everything else I've said. It was already at smarta$$ status when you said "So there's a Deluxe package, a Premium package and a Town Car trunk package?"
The compromise is practicality. If you're driving a car with enough mods to lay down 700 bhp to the wheels you wouldn't exactly be able to afford to drive it to work everyday, would you? Let alone the gas tank surviving a 2000+ mile drive out in the middle of nowhere without getting sucked dry.
What is practical about a 700 HP 203 MPH Cobra? Apparently it is practical enough to cruise across the country. In addition, if you can afford a Cobra, then build it into a 700 HP monster, don't you think you might be able to afford to fill the tank once or twice a week?

Unless you are either the owner of that Cobra or the guy that wrote the article in that 1 year and 3 month old issue of '5.0' then you really need to cool out. The last I checked these forums are for help, fun and to sometimes voice your own opinion, not to go around bashing people because of something that you had nothing to do with.
Wait - I thought this thread was about going 200MPH? So I point out this car that did just that, you seem to think it is all a bunch of lies, then, since I don't own the car and/or didn't write the article (which, by the way, it's not an article I was referring to, it's a 2 page Eibach ad) that I should not speak about it. Why is that?
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Callaway hit well over 200 in the '88 with a Corvette they built.... some of you might know what i'm talkin about..... the one and only 'Sledgehammer' Corvette. Twin-turbo 5.7L V8 with 880HP. The car hit 254MPH..... not bad eh?

So i say, if it was done in a Vette, why couldn't it be done in a Mustang 17 years later? :shrug:
djlethalwang said:
Callaway hit well over 200 in the '88 with a Corvette they built.... some of you might know what i'm talkin about..... the one and only 'Sledgehammer' Corvette. Twin-turbo 5.7L V8 with 880HP. The car hit 254MPH..... not bad eh?

So i say, if it was done in a Vette, why couldn't it be done in a Mustang 17 years later? :shrug:

It had a better CED. Don't get me wrong any car can do it with modifications.

twogts4us & CRZYHRSGT - Don't get this thread Locked.
Tell ya what, twogts4us, I'm done with this conversation. I wish I was like you and had the time to sit around and disect every single word that someone says but I don't. I am a single dad so my personal time is very limited. I come on Stangnet when I can to read and discuss what's going in the Mustang world. Now I feel like I'm obligated to respond and defend myself because you feel the need to attack me and I hate that. What do you have against me? Was it the trunk remark? If so, I'm sorry you're so sensitive. I see sarcasm in these forums all the time without anyone lashing out as you have done. All I did was question the story. Not your story, but a story. That is my right. There were many different ways you could have responded and backed up the story, but instead you decided to bash every word I type. You and your responses give forums a bad name. Those who read this thread do so to find out about it's topic, not how much Godlier you are than someone else. I agree with tomustang...we don't need to get this thread locked. Neither of us started it and neither should cause it's end.
Tell ya what, twogts4us, I'm done with this conversation. I wish I was like you and had the time to sit around and disect every single word that someone says but I don't. I am a single dad so my personal time is very limited. I come on Stangnet when I can to read and discuss what's going in the Mustang world. Now I feel like I'm obligated to respond and defend myself because you feel the need to attack me and I hate that. What do you have against me? Was it the trunk remark? If so, I'm sorry you're so sensitive. I see sarcasm in these forums all the time without anyone lashing out as you have done. All I did was question the story. Not your story, but a story. That is my right. There were many different ways you could have responded and backed up the story, but instead you decided to bash every word I type. You and your responses give forums a bad name. Those who read this thread do so to find out about it's topic, not how much Godlier you are than someone else. I agree with tomustang...we don't need to get this thread locked. Neither of us started it and neither should cause it's end.
What is that supposed to mean? What is your problem?
You are ignorant and I've tried to point you toward the facts, but you willingly, without any reasonable argument to the contrary, dispute that the car shown below is capable of driving cross country, as is written and featured in Eibach's large (2 page) ad in several magazines over several months. You are ignorant to the facts of the story. It's not a claim, it's nothing that a reasonable person would lie about - it's a story. It's fact. If you'd like, you can call the owner, John Maffucci @ 404 580-7714 and confirm the story first hand.

Cry to someone else...I don't need your sarcastic "I'm sorry you're so sensitive" statement nor do I care about you feeling that you are "obligated to respond and defend myself..." And don't cry to me about the fact that your a "single dad", with 'limited personal time' - you did seem to find the time to take several shots at my posts. Well, let's review - when you stated "I doubt very seriously that this car sees many traffic lights or potholes either" - I corrected you, stating that "he and his wife continued on their vacation thru the midwest" and, during the previous year's high speed runs "it was driven from GA to NV and back." It was at this point that you apparently decided to pick the story apart, listing several reasons why this story couldn't possibly be true. And now you wonder why you have to defend yourself? Cry me a river...

People like you make me wanna puke, that's my problem, if you're really interested :rolleyes: . You are a hypocrite. I had something to offer to the thread, a story of a fully streetable, 200 MPH+ Mustang (heck, it's even for sale for those who might be interested in owning a piece of history or setting out to break John's record.) Your contribution was simply to dispute my contribution. So enough with this crap about my "responses give forums a bad name". You cast your shortcomings on me. :notnice: And I am now done with this thread.

Do you guy's think we can get back onto the topic now if your done *****ing at each other :damnit:

I know the guy that is going to try this and I can tell you that we hoped to get good support from our follow stangers and up till a few posts ago we had an really good thread going.

Come on guy's please don't destroy it for the rest of us. :flag:
Okay guys simmer down here. You both have valid points and slinging crap at each other and dissecting each other's posts isn't going to prove anything!

On one hand twogts4us is correct concerning John Maffucci and his wife driving the car out to Utah and back for their FIRST ATTEMPT. BEFORE John added the Whipple and the car was still pretty stock they took it out there to set a record, which of course they did in August or 2003. And YES, the car had Eibachs on it when the drove it out to Bonneville for that first attempt. Little history here... On that first trip to the salt flats Mr. Maffucci was RESTRICTED by the techs from taking the car over 180MPH because he was still on the STOCK CAST RIMS! He and his wife drove out there with the full intention of going 200MPH in his '03 Cobra. He eventually had to keep the car at 4600RPM's in 6th to prevent him from exceeding the 180 limit. His average speed for the runs was 176.516MPH which was a new C/PS record at the time. read about it here: http://jmaffucci.com/_wsn/page2.html

Now I don't know if they drove the car out to Bonneville in 2004 for the 2nd attempt at 200MPH. I'm sure they needed support equipment to go with them since there were other vehicles from Mr. Maffucci's stable that attended (a Roadster and a Lightning I believe).

Now as to whether Mr. Maffucci's car is streetable. Well I guess that would all depend on what your definition of streetable is huh? Does it have a license on the back? Check. Is it street legal? Check. Can the car get up my driveway without scraping? Not! My stock suspended Snake will scrape going in my driveway so I'm sure his lowered Cobra will scrape here and there. This doesn't make it NOT streetable though. Just means you need to be a little more careful as to where you drive it is all.

So lets just stop the bickering right here before we have to lock this thread. Is the car streetable? Yes if you ask twogts4us, but it's a compromise if you ask CRZYHRSGT. YOU ARE BOTH RIGHT and I agree with both of you. Now cut this crap out and get back on topic!


P.S. I dropped Mr. Maffucci an email and asked him to drop by this thread and discuss whether the car was driven out to Bonneville for attempt #2 and also to discuss the "Streetability" of the car.
Ya know, I have tried to end this, but you are hell-bent on bashing me and it looks like everyone else on Stangnet...
twogts4us said:
www.modulardepot.com has some great resources, excellent information and, IMO, the best mod motor tech on the web. It's amazing to try and talk tech over here...and then go over there. StangNet is like middle school, whereas ModularDepot is graduate school.

Why don't you go back over to your big friends over at the big school? After seeing that thread its nice to know I'm not the only person you like to dissect. Just think, if you could figure out how to respond like everyone else around here this all could have been alleviated. I am done listening to your crap, twogts4us. All you're doing is wasting everyone's time.

To GTR Stang03, good luck with your quest for 200+mph. I'm sorry I tried to voice my opinion and as a result you had to read all the other crap.
You just HAD to try and get the last word in didn't ya. Couldn't leave well enough alone could ya?

You Mr. CRZYHRSGT are the one who looks bad at this point, not twogts4us.

I read twogts4us post you linked to and he is right. You don't need a larger MAF to make more power. At least not until you've maxed out the flow and sampling rate of the stock piece. Adding a C&L without getting the car tuned specifically for the larger housing will just lean you out which does make more power. That's not the correct way to do things though.

So again you are wrong CRZYHRSGT. Quit while you're ahead.

My whole damn point to this whole damn arguement is that he does nothing but respond like a total ****. The link wasn't about the size of a stupid MAF it was how he responded and, like with me, tore the other person apart. As a moderator, you back up this type of response? This is sad. He is sad. Hell yes I had to get the last word in. I had tried to end this but he doesn't stop. I have no problem with being wrong. I have no problem with being shown that I am wrong. What has pissed me off thru this whole thing is his approach. When he starts getting personal then I start getting defensive. Wouldn't you tend to respond the same way? And you, as a moderator, just disreguard the fact that he is an ass and instead take his side.

Don't worry about shuting down this thread...I'm done with Stangnet.
My whole damn point to this whole damn arguement is that he does nothing but respond like a total ****. The link wasn't about the size of a stupid MAF it was how he responded and, like with me, tore the other person apart. As a moderator, you back up this type of response? This is sad. He is sad. Hell yes I had to get the last word in. I had tried to end this but he doesn't stop. I have no problem with being wrong. I have no problem with being shown that I am wrong. What has pissed me off thru this whole thing is his approach. When he starts getting personal then I start getting defensive. Wouldn't you tend to respond the same way? And you, as a moderator, just disreguard the fact that he is an ass and instead take his side.
Don't worry about shuting down this thread...I'm done with Stangnet.
You sir started this whole mess with your smart ass comment! You sir are to blame... let me refresh your memory...
So they've got enough trunk space in an '03 Cobra for 2 suitcases, a set of wheels and tires and a parachute? So there's a Deluxe package, a Premium package and a Town Car trunk package? :shrug:
Don't worry about shuting down this thread...I'm done with Stangnet.
Drats... membership drops from 80,000 to 79,999... how will we ever survive. :rolleyes:

Uncle Meat said:
You sir started this whole mess with your smart ass comment! You sir are to blame... let me refresh your memory...

You threw the first punch there buckaroo!


And to refresh your memory, that surely isn't the first sarcastic remark ever made in the history of Stangnet. It's just sad that someone can't take sarcasm, he tries to make himself feel better than God by beating down others on here and you take his side. Whatever, Meat...you can keep backing up a di*k all you want until that di*k gets you in the back (and by looking at twogts4us' history, I'd say it'll happen sooner or later).

Hope you all enjoy your biased forums...chao!
I have to say I just read through the entire thread(yes i'm that bored) and I don't think CRZYHRSGT's so called smart ass remark was so off the wall. He questioned the everyday drivability of a car that's fairly low to the ground...that is all. Then he was basically blasted by a guy who had already made SMART ASS remarks to several others in this thread prior to the latter attack. Its ashamed because i'd like this thread to continue so the original poster can document his trial and errors in his attempt to build a 200mph car.

And UM as a MOD you should be trying to defuse the situation not adding a third weeney into a 2 man Pissing contest. :nonono:
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