If you live in California please read


Jul 31, 2003
i was driveing down a street and the person infront of me slams on his brakes because he sees a yellow light he could have went but hit his brakes and when i seen that i hit mine and the 5.0 brakes suck compaired to a new honda accord, dam rice, yea so i hit them from behind there was no phisical damage at the time and we agreed its ok and left i gave him my licence info but that was it and i just got a call from his insurance company i dont want my insurance to rise because a small ass claim. what defensive moves can i make here should i just ignore it and let it be but i think that would make it worse or should i call and tell them what happend and take the hit??? also i didnt give him my registration or insurance papers all i gave him was my license info and im shure he got my plates. he had people in the car and so did i. the thing that worrys me is that if he complained from no damage that i think maybe after the fact he did something to it. i wish i had a camera that day. there was no witnesses or cops involved just me and him and the people in the cars thats it no one else came in or seen it. what do you guys think i should do??
Fight it all the way... Doesnt matter if insurance goes up or not, its not correct, and if the ******* is looking for some easy money show him it aint gonna happen... If there was no damage at the time, then in court someone who is lying will trip over themselves and you will win.. they deal with this stuff all the time.. Dont let people like this take advantage of you...
Report the accident now. If he got any damages and don't report them it's his problem but you don't want him trying to sue you later because of crap that didn't even happen during your accident. Happens all the time. And yes, you're automatically at fault if you hit anyone from behind.
Report the accident and tell the truth. In NY if you hit someone from behind your automatically at fault unless you can prove otherwise, which is really hard to do. Its better if you tell them first though. Having people in your car might help, but sometimes friends arnt credible witnesses. Def tell them the whole story asap. Ive gotten in the habbit of always carring a camera. It really helped out when some stupid girl lost her bakes and rear ended my truck.
When we rear ended someone cuz they threw their breaks on, the girls said no we're fine blah blah, then they said their lucky cuz they didnt have their seatbelts on. As soon as the cops got there, they were all like "ahh my neck my back i cant move" Luckily someone else there saw the whole thing and told the cops what they were doing the cops called their bs and they felt better.