maf and tbi selection


New Member
Apr 29, 2005
houston, tx
my next purchase is going to be a maf and tbi but i dont know what sizes to get. what is taken into consideration before purchasing? 19,24, or 30 lbs and 70 or 75 mm. i dont want too go to big or stay too small. in a few months i plan to get a holly sytemax II if my buddy can work some magic on the price. thanks for the help.
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what you gotta take into consideration is what kinda mods you have... if the heads and intake are stock, going much bigger on the TB won't help that much but will give you room to grow. for the MAF a bigger aftermarket one should get you a few HP but nothing crazy. if you are still running stock injectors you have to get it calibrated for 19# injectors. when buying this stuff keep in mind where you wanna go with the car, cause maybe these mods arnt needed now and you could be getting something else like GEARS :D

i would sugest a C&L MAF cause this way when you go to bigger injectors all you have to do is get the larger tube instead of sending in the whole MAF to get reclaibrated
Deffinetly get gears and an intake manifold before you worry about the TB and MAF. I would go with Pro-M, since i've heard of people having problems with the C&L but not with the Pro-M.

P.S.-the systemax intake is really set-up for forced induction and it will probably overkill for a N/A motor, Especially if its the stock displacement.
BaXTeR3221 said:
I would go with Pro-M, since i've heard of people having problems with the C&L but not with the Pro-M.

I heard just the opposite, since Pro-M went out of business everyone is scrambling to get them recalibrated or using calibration/adjuster boxes wired in to the MAF sensor.

Have things changed recently? Are they back in business?
I know there is a company that is doing recalibrations for the same price that Pro-M was charging. The problems i was refering to deal with the actual meters, not the company. I dont know if they are going to start selling more, but there are plently out there used.
i have a C&L and have no problems with it...... it seemed to me wheni was researching them it was the newer 95+ mustangs that had more problems or forced induction 5.0's

my 306 idles like a dream with a c&L and i did a mass air conversion with it too, in which i just used a 93 3.8 taurus electronics on top..... but then again people siad by deleting my egr and not running hte spacer i would have problems with the idle and i havn't yet.... maybe my car is a freak lol