Mustang is down for the count and it's Capri FTW!!!!!!!

Well it sounds like a problem that you've already diagnosed. The ignition cylinder is easy to remove. Turn the key to the run position, then stick a small screwdriver into the pinhole and push the tab in, then you can slide the cylinder out. Check that the cylinder cam gear is not broken. There is a rod that this cam gear pushes into the ignition switch. Inside the igntion switch there is a spring loaded sliding lever that tends to break. Any one of these three components could cause this problem. Maybe it just needs wd40.
Push it further out into the street and say, "Look here Capri I'm gonna level with you... Either you start or I'm gonna leave you here in the middle of the street until the next passing semi hits you and turns you from a Capri into a Kaput."

Then put hands on hips and make the following face:

Then take pictures and report back

You should be reported for abuse.

You've been hiding in my garage again because that's pretty much what I did. I'm sure my neighbors who were awakened by my lecturing locked their doors. LMAO
+1 on what dude said about your power steering. You probably dont have a leak, but if you turned the wheels with the car off, and pushed the car, the fluid will come out on its own. Ive seen that alot when i worked at the body shop on cars that werent running when they came in.