My New Mustang!!

If i wasnt medicated, i wouldnt be saying half the stuff im saying now. Sitting on the grage floor for 3 hours (1 hour painting the gas tank and differential, and 2 hours fighting with wiring) left my back not happy so i took a few soma's today.. im all :D and stuff.. i have perma-grin at the moment.

yea pass me one of those i need a perma-grin!

Oh oh... this one is a thinker. :owned:

+1 :owned: :eek:
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You can't one up me, so don't even try. :nono: :rlaugh:

You would definately be surprised with what Strype can come up with. He already has his own products out on the market...

On occasion. Not like evey night. I have a couple of drinks about twice a month. I know, I know. Party animal:bang:

No, thats cool, i wasnt expecting you to be an akly or anything, i just know that when i go home theres going to be a bunch ofpeople going out. another dude from stangnet (from michigan) is drivin over to party, its an open invitation... cincy would be a far ass drive though lol.