Street Master, Master of all things automotive, Super Stallion

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one may argue that a supercharger is better then a turbocharger.... do you have any idea how red the turbos glow after they are used? and the lag....

maybe a supercharger and turbo combo might be better... a sequential combination.. to make up for the turbos lag
Originally posted by DJNitro
one may argue that a supercharger is better then a turbocharger.... do you have any idea how red the turbos glow after they are used? and the lag....

maybe a supercharger and turbo combo might be better... a sequential combination.. to make up for the turbos lag

many turbos are intercooled wrong or not at all. It makes me sick and when I got my saab and found out that it had no intercooler, the first thing I did was throw one on. lag? no such thing with an efficient by pass valve or BOV
Mine is intercooled, and the maximum toqrue is availible at 2000 rpms, and stay flat all the way to 5k. Centrifugal S/Cs have some lag as well, they only instant boost F.I method is a roots style S/C.
Originally posted by Big Don
Mine is intercooled, and the maximum toqrue is availible at 2000 rpms, and stay flat all the way to 5k. Centrifugal S/Cs have some lag as well, they only instant boost F.I method is a roots style S/C.
Ah, yes. The Roots blower with a turbo would make a great combo. Instant torque plus high end boost. No, wait, double the high end boost because the blower would stay at full PSI all around.
However, the high end boost produced by the turbo could cause the roots blower to exceed it maximum RPMs, and damage the blower and possibly the engine. I prefer a small shot of nitrous to help spool a turbo on the line, although lag isn't really an issue with a smaller turbo.
Originally posted by Red96V6
I wonder who will get the holy post #1000? That is if DC dosen't cheat.
Naw, I wouldn't do that. Are you ever going to make it up to OKC this summer?

Don, I disagree. Let's take a roots blower that can handle 20 PSI tops. Run that at 7 PSI and let the turbo be the power holder. Run the turbo at 9 PSI and it is well under the 20 PSI limit. Anyone disagree? I don't know much about power adders because I'm an all motor guy.
I didn't know that ther were roots type blowers that could handle 20 psi. If you ran that at 7 and ran the turbo at 11(gotta add as much power as possible;) )and it was capable of 20 then that would probably work. That would have to be one of the most expensive setups ever though.
Originally posted by DCMustang00
Are you ever going to make it up to OKC this summer?

I don't really know. :shrug: As for now, I am infernally busy with school and girlfriend, and the rest of my time is spent with my true mistress(who I can tun on or off anytime I want to). She just got waxed today and boy does that rear end look great! :D