Build Thread The Hoopty Chronicles - New House, New garage, New Car?

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Or use their one isolated experience to disagree with general consensus and imply you are an

I like these. It just rules out the possibility of component failure. If all of these threads were true, then each and every Mustang component is bullet proof. We should never have to do maintenance on our cars. :shrug:
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Why cant I have a bullet proof mustang? I want to say it's a Ford thing, but every muscle car I've ever owned has been a card carrying member of the jackstand racing team.
Why cant I have a bullet proof mustang? I want to say it's a Ford thing, but every muscle car I've ever owned has been a card carrying member of the jackstand racing team.

Funny thing is, I can't remember the last time I owned and drove a stock sports car for longer than a few weeks, so I wouldn;t know about reliability. By far the worst sports car I ever owned was an 84 vette. The thing puked all, the computer controlled key wouldnt work every other start,, it rattled and squeeked more than a 90 year old in a winter day, and it was a pure pig. I owned it for 6 months of 3 being at the dealer getting repaired.
Funny thing is, I can't remember the last time I owned and drove a stock sports car for longer than a few weeks, so I wouldn;t know about reliability. By far the worst sports car I ever owned was an 84 vette. The thing puked all, the computer controlled key wouldnt work every other start,, it rattled and squeeked more than a 90 year old in a winter day, and it was a pure pig. I owned it for 6 months of 3 being at the dealer getting repaired.
Sounds like bill's Audi
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Funny thing is, I can't remember the last time I owned and drove a stock sports car for longer than a few weeks, so I wouldn;t know about reliability. By far the worst sports car I ever owned was an 84 vette. The thing puked all, the computer controlled key wouldnt work every other start,, it rattled and squeeked more than a 90 year old in a winter day, and it was a pure pig. I owned it for 6 months of 3 being at the dealer getting repaired.

In the last 10 years I've had:

1 04 GTO
1 06 GTO
1 09 G8 GT


1 03 Cobra

All stock, all a blast to drive, and everyone of them ( save for the Cobra) required nothing other than oil changes. (And all the while I owned them,I didn't feel the need to change one single thing on any of them) The tri color Cobra was the previous project before the monster, and had the snot beat out of it by the PO, but after a clutch replacement, and a regasket, it ran and drove perfect.

There's no secret to having a car that's fast, fun to drive, AND reliable.

As long as the Tazmanian Devil isn't driving.

Just putting this here so there's an image link for your sig pic.
your signature image had this huge white frame larger than your image. I nuked the frame and kept the image. Then I hosted hosted the new image in this thread and replaced your signature image with it. No more white frame.
Hell of a guy you are

Sent from my iPhone using my fingers while my auto correct makes me seem illiterate
Well we both made it to work without having to stop for any reason, although it got a little warm. Temp seems to creep up with throttle regardless of speed and go down at idle. Seems odd. I need to dig into the fan controller wiring and/or send it back to the manufacturer. Also need to seal up the open areas of the fan shroud so all the air gets pulled through the radiator.

At any rate, here's the semi-finished product. I need to order a few more things like a hood release cable and plug wires...


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Looks awesome dude

Sent from my iPhone using my fingers while my auto correct makes me seem illiterate

Thanks man. In this case, the pictures do it more justice than it deserves, lol. I've come to terms that this will always be a 'decent' car and never anything really nice, unless I send it somewhere for a full disassembly and resto job..... And we all know that won't happen anytime soon.