tranny crossmember removal


Founding Member
Apr 16, 2002
well, the motor is out of the car as of right now, and i took the 2 mount bolts off, so now the tranny is jacked up as far is it will go, and im wanting to slide the crossmember back, but i cant seem to get it passed the exhaust... anyone know how to do it?

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big @ss pry bar. I've got subframes on my car, so we used that as a leverage point, and put the bar overtop of the H pipe and pried it down, lifting up on the bar from the side next to the door. You'll nearly pick the side of the car up and you have to wiggle the heck out of the cross member, but it can be done.
damn, and thats the only way? i dont have subframes on my car yet, so i dont want to damage the frame... how is the exhaust held up? i wasnt able to find any welds or anything, and i have dumps, so nothing is going over the back axle... :shrug:
well heck man you never said you had dumps. Just unbolt the H, it'll be much easier in the long run. My way is a PITA, but it's worth unbolting everything from the headers back.