VENT : I can't stand this shop sometimes

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wytstang said:
Look OLD MAN what gives you the right to tell some young kid to tell his parents what to do. Your not his father his father told him what to do his dad is paying the bill. You're right everyone disobeys their parent in life and I fight my own battles now that I can survive on my own. Further more how did you know my names wytstud have you been reading your wife’s diary :D

hahahahahahahahahaha :lol: :rlaugh:

its true, i read the diary and long behold, the term "wytstud" showed up numerous times. Niiiice :nice:
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mustangt562 said:

No not really. You both have valid points, so lets move on. Fussing over his situation with his parents wont provide any constructive solutions to his problem.

Jeff, I hope you are able to get your stang back in the shape its supposed to be in real soon. If they keep putting you off, I would stop in unannounced and see what point they are at on your engine. If they are still where they were when you last went, then maybe its time to "casually" bring up your attorney in your next conversation with the manager of the shop.

wytstang said:
Further more how did you know my names wytstud have you been reading your wife’s diary :D

I called you wystud cause thats the IMAGE you have of yourself on that soap box you are on. Last time I checked you call yourself wytstang, so idiot how would you know if that name was refering to you if you read it somewhere else like in an IMAGINARY diary (thats rhetorical by the let me help you out And as far as my wife calling you not married. Some say grandiosity occurs when one in lacking in other areas. :shrug:
wytstang said:
Mustangt562 I think your advice to go against his parents make YOU the idiot. If your o.k. with your kids (if you have any) to go against your word than that’s your problem. But to tell someone else’s child to do what they want after his/her parents told them not to makes you an idiot. He is a REAL MAN for listening to his parents and obeying them and their rules :nice: .

thanks man, i would do the flat bed idea but if i do that u realize that my paretns are not goin to pay for it...but i called him at 445 and he said he had a few things to do like change the oil nad what not so it "SHOULD" be ready by today, i'm not counting in it but i can hope, if not i better have it by friday. sorry if i didn't post after i called i was too busy with my gf and she told me sometihng very important and it took my mind off my car like she always does...but anyway back to the car, i'm goin to call him later in the day cuz i got work 1-6 today whick sucks so i'm goin to call him at the same time as i did yesterday nad when i know some info i'll be sure to post and let u guys know, thanks everyone, hope i get my car back soon so we can put this thread to an end! i'm thinking about printing out all of these replies and giving them to the shop, u guys think that is a good idea??? let me know cuz i think i'm goin to do it.
mustangt562 said:
I called you wystud cause thats the IMAGE you have of yourself on that soap box you are on. Last time I checked you call yourself wytstang, so idiot how would you know if that name was refering to you if you read it somewhere else like in an IMAGINARY diary (thats rhetorical by the let me help you out And as far as my wife calling you not married. Some say grandiosity occurs when one in lacking in other areas. :shrug:
WOW still name calling pretty sad for a man of your age. You posted pretty late and here I thought the retirement homes were pretty strict about bed time :D . Get over it I won’t post about this subject again. 5liter I hope you get you car back soon and I don’t think they would care too much if you should them this tread.
5literstang said:
this guy is really slow but i'm goin to be happy with the work it's jsut that he takes too long...he had a few 8 second fox bodies.

i'd wait 8 months for an 8 second car. ok impatience really sucks. you say the guy does bad ass jobs, so don't worry about the quality. if you know the job is gonna be done right and he's almost done just wait it out and see what happens. remember, it's not how fast they do it but how well, now it is a lot better when they have both qualities but apparently this guy doesn't but you trust him, so just wait, a little longer, i mean you already waited a month, what does a couple more days mean.(are you having transportation problems??)
95Vert said:
i'd wait 8 months for an 8 second car. ok impatience really sucks. you say the guy does bad ass jobs, so don't worry about the quality. if you know the job is gonna be done right and he's almost done just wait it out and see what happens. remember, it's not how fast they do it but how well, now it is a lot better when they have both qualities but apparently this guy doesn't but you trust him, so just wait, a little longer, i mean you already waited a month, what does a couple more days mean.(are you having transportation problems??)

:nice: i agree
thats why i'm not flipping out as u can see i'm taking this quite calm...but i use my moms car but it sucks cuz i cant use it when she needs it and i hope to get it today, one other thing bothered me...people were like "Jeff, how come u got rid of ur Mustang for an Eclipse?" and course i told them the stang was in the shop nad it will be back on the road shortly, so i have work at 1 today so i'm goin to sneak away around 445 to call him and ask him whats up with my car. nad if it's ready i'm goin to get it.
ok guys iahve found out some ****...the guy has been slacking off, the manager called up my dad and told him everything what the guy has been doin and my dad wasn't happy, so my dad called him up nad said the car better be ready by wednesday or were comin to get the car on a flatbed and picking up the motor and the other stuff and not paying him nad tkaing it somewhere else, and my dad is goin to file a complaint...
the manager is my moms he is on our side...and now my dad is starting to get pissed so i hope to have the car by the beginning of next week, it's goin to suck for me this weekend cuz my gf is goin to Long Beach Island for the week with her friends, so i'm goin to be alone and i'm not goin to have my car either, so i hope to get so onwednesday i can drive down to see my gf and i can put miles on the motor to break it in real fast...i hope guys, i'll keep posting when i find out more info on the car. thanks
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