What a terrible night!!

Especially not when your livelihood depends on you having a driver's license.

Mike (stprorolla49), be very careful with drinking and driving. Although you probably would have passed a breathalyzer, many states have zero tolerance policies if you're under 21. I didn't think about that before, but was just reminded when Grn92LX just posted about the legal limit issue.

Yea this is true. When I drink so little, I don't really think twice about driving since I don't feel anything. On multiple occasions I have given my keys to my friend to put in their room so I wouldn't even have the opportunity to drive, so when I say I was fine to drive, I mean it. Next time maybe I'll think about that before I get behind the wheel. Right now I'm just worried whats going to happen with the fine plus the points on my insurance. I'm not sure if I can plea bargain in Georgia since I don't live here, but my friend back home in NJ got a ticket for running a red light which was a total bull**** ticket, and he paid like $300 for a plea bargain, and didn't get points on his license.
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Hey bud dont sweat it..its just a traffic violation...your still young so its ok to freak out I guess...When you get older youll relize the real stuff to sweat is if the judge decides if you get bail or not....That the real stuff to sweat
Shes too skinny...I like em fat...j/k she is cute. Be carefull them cute girls will break your heat in the long run...thats why im sticking to ugly girls these days lol

Welcome to my world...I was going out with the cutest girl ever, she broke up with me for NO reason cause shes stupid...basically I still love her but shes not feelin' it so I'm trying to move on to other things which s very difficult...she did indeed break my heart...