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Whatever happened to when you buy something, it being yours. Goverment saying what you can and cannot put on or off your property, and others saying when and where you can do this. 100 years ago, before marxisim and other social nonsence, you could put hot led in someone for trying to dictate this crap, and you would be hailed as a hero. Whatever happened to freedom and private property?
find some more buddies.....I let my best friend use my heated/painted/insulated garage whenever he needs and im always there to help.

he could do it in his gravel driveway, but the garage is much easier to roll a creeper on lol

if i were you i'd just say f em and work on it.....
Tell him to get bent.It's America for God's sake.You're a free man.It's your home.Get out there and put the exhaust on your car.Can you change a faucet in your home?Can you install a washer or dryer?Do what you have to do.
The point of these Homeowners Associations is good. You pay a lot of money for a house in a nice area, then your neighbors crap up the area, then you house is worth a lot less. The thing is that they get too strict, and little people get a little power and take it to the hilt. I would understand if someone had broke down cars on blocks in the front yard, but simple maintence, come on.
I say take an assault rifle out and stand it next to your car or keep it beside you while you are working, if someone stops and asks what you are doing, pick it up and reply "im workin on my car, what are you doin" ...... you havent threatened anyone, you can say you keep the gun around for self defense , they would then think you were a nutcase and never bother you again :D
Ummmm ... no. Although I do like the idea of rearranging somebody's plug wires - nothing permanently damaging, just annoying, and it'd be great to turn the tables by putting the screws on them for car problems. :D

See, the thing I don't think people get is that this is a manufactured home we're talking about - a glorified trailer, essentially - and that the park it's located in is what's HOA controlled. EVERYONE out here owns a manufactured home; if you have an actual HOUSE-house, expect to be shelling out $250k or more, but a manufactured home looks just fine and sells for anywhere from $30k to $100k (I nabbed mine for $12k, since it was repo'ed from tweakers that they'd evicted). So, because I'm paying rent for the lot upon which the house sits, they apparently have the legal right to boot out anybody they so please for just about any ol' reason they choose ... even if it just means the park manager just up and plain doesn't like you. (By evicting a resident, they're basically just forbidding their entry to the park and thus you're pretty much forced to sell your place, or they sell it for you.)

Anyway. It's a crap deal, and I want out of it ASAP. I have GOT to find a place to work on this stuff, and I really don't have the dough to go paying "professionals" to do things that I can do, myself, in an hour or less for free.
"WANTING the problem?" Dude, what's with you? Sorry, but toting around an assault rifle in my driveway is NOT something I'd consider an "alterative" - that's just a good way to get the cops called on me and start a whole mess of legal problems that I don't need and can't afford. (Besides, I don't even own a gun to begin with.)

There's a lot of good suggestions, given, but a lot of them don't necessarily apply to the given situation because this isn't a standard HOUSE-house kind of Homeowner's Association situation I'm stuck in, here; if it were, I would GLADLY just tell that old hag on her golf cart to stick it, but as it is, I'm kind of stuck where I'm at and I need to find a viable solution that's reasonable and within my financial reach. (The garage renting thing appeals most, but I don't know of any in the area, and I've already called around about the storage shed things and they're a no-go for auto repair with their rules.)

This situation is really irking me because I'm already a bit overdue for oil changes on both vehicles, and the exhaust needs to be addressed relatively soon before the temperatures make it too chilly to deal with even during the day. Anyone in the Phoenix area know of any places off hand I could try out? At this point, I could even make do without the use of an electrical outlet (just hafta invest in a couple cordless tools), I just need a place to fool around with my car and not get ticketed/fined or yelled at for turning a couple of wrenches.
There is only one solution.... he must die!!! :jester: No really, what you do is get with a bunch of other people and outnumber his supporters.

In the neighborhood of a freind they had a overly strict HOA and were fining people for next to nothing. A bunch of people got togeather and formed a new HOA and booted them out, confiscated the records and found out people were skimming on the money. They said the money was for thier time/effort/expences working for the nighborhood, but for some reason they forgot they "volonteered". Two career minded, hard working, family men had to say goodbye to their children because they had to go to prison for Grand Theft.
I only WISH I had a garage. Alas, I only have a driveway with a carport thingy hanging over it ... which, in Arizona, is just about ideal, but not when you have total Nazis running the park.

I was starting to think the other day about maybe going just outside the park, itself - like, on the side of the little street running parallel to it - and just doing my work there. Only problem is that I'm afraid of some cop coming by and ticketing me for something.

Anyone know if it's against the law to drive out to the middle of nowhere in the desert to do car work? I'm about to that point, right now... :(