You asked for it!!! New pics of wheels on car, NO JACKSTANDS!


Founding Member
Sep 25, 2002
Ravena, NY
Well we lowered the car of the jackstand because I am ready to roll the car out and paint the engine bay. The front has some weight put in it to lower the front for the pics but it is not as much as the engine weights. Everyone has been telling me to post pics of the car on the ground so here it is. The engine is to the side patiently awaiting install. TIME TO START HAULING ON THIS PROJECT NOW!!!! hopefully everything goes well. Let me know what you think of the wheels now.



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I wish I had a Coke machine... and a garage to put it in....

Nice work! Love the deep dish on them rear wheels, can't wait to see it with the rest of the front back together.... and that killer engine bay...

:hail2: :nice:
Dude those look sick! :hail2:

I don't think you need to ever have any more second thoughts about your decision to get them. Makes me wish I had taken you up on your offer to trade a while ago lol. Although I am sure you were joking, and I dont know if they would look as good on red.
looks great, Tom!!! i'd be wondering what was going on w/ you and why you'd disappeared.

on a side note: how did you stick those side scoops on? i have the driver's side (and i'm looking for the passenger's, too) and was hoping 3M double-sided tape would suffice.

again, looks great w/ the s1ck dish on the wheels!
thanks, tom.

btw--lots of the guys in the local mustang club were really digging your car in this past month's mag. i told them i knew you, that you were awesome, and that you made me the punisher graphic. they didn't believe me, of course, hehe.