Bodywork and Paint Progress Thread!

69clark said:
Nice. Its about time, can't wait to see it. That sucks on the fender, it seems like its always something to go wrong.
tell me about it dude, tell me about it....

Cynthar: the front part of the trim has some screws in it under the weatherstripping, and the back piece you needa take the top torx seatbelt bolt out, and take the plastic interior panel out and theres a few 11mm bolts in there that needa be removed before the back piece can come off...

This thread is great! I am planning on going through this same process towards the end of this summer with my car. Was it a real PITA to get the molding above the windows off and the rear molding above the quarter panels? Keep up the good work dude.

Aaron :SNSign:
took about 15 minutes to take those panels needa remove the panel in the interior that looks the same as the panel on the outside, and take out some screws along the underside of the weatherstripping too...
MysteryMachine said:
nice can't wait to see the painted pics. seen you updated this and was like oh **** new paint pics (remembered you said it was going today) You dissapointed me man

Oh why a new fender thought you got all that after the accident?
a few months after i got my car back from the frame shop with new (used) front clip, i broke a balljoint pulling into my driveway....when AAA came at GOD DAMN 2AM, they sent out the stupidest ******* ever, and he dropped my whole car off the jack onto the tire....this bent the drivers fender like 3" outta position, and very difficult to i got a new one from an ebay store, and even though we needed to fill in a few dings, its better than what was on there....

69Clark: YOU THINK YOUR WAITING AROUND?!?!?! I've been waiting over a year to have this car painted, and now the redfire dream is becoming a reality!!! I really wanna thank Jay and his bro Bryan for hookin me up, and doing a great job thus far. Jay said he'd post some progress pics today when they prime, and then shoot the color
gonna be a little tricky to get color/clear all the way around the handle.....

im just trying to give you a little tip that will make it turn out just a little better. since you already have the trim panel off for the belt moulding and mirror, it will only take about 10 minutes to remove the handle and lock cylinders. the handle is held in with 11mm bolts, and the lock just clips in place.

its the small details that help the job turn out that much better. you went through all the trouble of removing the bumpers and other trim, why not go a little further?

either way, good luck!!