Found an 88 T-top roller! I need help working out a trade...

i would just give him a grand and drive away with it.keep both.i wouldnt go trading your car for sure theres a t top cleaner than that out there that someone would be more than happy to trade you."your crazy, i like you man but your crazy"
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Ahhhh.... but it's a T-Top!

That's exactly why! I LOVE T-tops! Besides when I get done with it, it won't be driven in the rain and there's always ways of making them stop rattling. Even if the T-tops do rattle, I'll always be drving it on nice days and have the T-tops off! :D

I would do the trade, take the cash and go to town on the TTop car. Strip it to nothing, get the whole car done right and have something insane in the end... but thats just what I would do!

That is exactly what I have in mind, similar to 87TTOP's car. Immaculate top notch paint job, black with ghost flames, all black interior with custom seats, full Maximum Motorsports suspension, 4 point cage, 336 forged A4 Kenne Bell blown backed by a Viper T56 making close to 600rwhp! :flag:

And the thing is, I already have ALL of the parts listed above and was planning on doing all that to my current car. Motor is currently being built and all the parts are in the garage. I was going to repaint my GT with the black/ghost flames setup, plus my GT needs body work here and there - lots of annoying little dimples and dings all over........... So if I trade this, plus get $2k, it'll just give me a head start. Cars already stripped except primer, intereior is already gutted, and the body is straight.
Forget the trade, for $1200, buy it straight up. Then put his motor and trans back in your car, and sell your car complete when the projects are complete

And if you bail in the middle of the project, you'll still have your original car to put back together.

If you trade, and the paint body work comes out more than you can afford, all you have is a pile of junk with t tops.
Wow, I put this exact post of in the Lounge, and you wouldn't believe how many guys are saying it's all rusted to hell and stuff! I said it's just a little surface rust from being in primer, and they're all like "no way, that's not surface rust, that you can see the 'backyard bondo job' and the rust is coming through!" And just a whole bunch of BS.

But hey, like all the guys responding are from CA, FL, and TX where the only place rust exists is on tractor equipment! And you put pictures of a car like my GT next to anything in primer with a little bit of surface rust, even if the other car is a Lamborghini, guys are gonna be like no way that's a POS.

As far as the trade goes, something seemed like it spooked the guy or something. After being extremely interested and wanting my car bad, he emailed me last night out of no where and said he doesn't want my car cause it has slight cracks on torque boxes, and a couple other things. I think he may have seen this thread about asking for a min. $2000 in the trade and was thinking I was gonna give it away to him for nothing.
i talked to the same guy about 4 months ago and he was supposed to get back with me with pics . i kind of was discouraged from buying this car since i already got burned with the present t-top stang from the same state. atleast this one is in better condition and i would jump on this car if i were you. t-tops are awesome even of they do leak
I agreew ith the folks on corral, look at it in person, and tap along the bottom of the quarters and doors and fenders with something, no ping = bondo. Just about every T-top car i've bought or run across, all looked just like that, and were rusted to pieces, i mean shocktower about to bust into pieces
Forget the trade, for $1200, buy it straight up. Then put his motor and trans back in your car, and sell your car complete when the projects are complete

And if you bail in the middle of the project, you'll still have your original car to put back together.

If you trade, and the paint body work comes out more than you can afford, all you have is a pile of junk with t tops.

That left quater is all bondoed up!! See how the gap gets HUGE at the bottom. It also looks all flexed back toward the wheel well. Who knows whats under that and all the primer. I would offer him 500 bucks from his asking price of 1200. That car looks as if it hasn't moved in a long time. I'm sure his neighbors would love you if you bought it and got it out of their sight!!
Well, he's gonna meet me in Ohio, which is about 6 hours for me or so. And I really know what I'm looking at and if it's not in as good condition as mine as far as the body, rust, etc, there's now way. If it's crap I wouldn't hesitate for a second even if it does cost me 12 hours of driving, I'm not just gonna give away my car for a POS. We'll see in a week or so.