Just Installed Magnaflow system - It's Great!


New Member
Jun 18, 2004
Just installed NEW Magnaflow Exhaust, It's GREAT!
Just finished installing a Magnaflow "X" pipe and a "Cat back" system and it sounds great! Was a little difficult getting the CAT back pipes to fit. The "X" pipe does NOT come with a set of OX sensors for the front pipe and we had to weld in a set of bungs so all the OX sensors would fit. The front stock "H" pipe has four (4) OX sensors and Magnaflow only gives you two, so you need to add 2 bungs!

It's close quarters and you have yo take your time and make everything work together. Doing it on a CREEPER on your back SUCKS! If we'd had a lift of a hoist it would of been twice as easy and I suggest anyone that's going to do this in the future that you use a A HOIST.

The final sound is a very mellow throaty sound that is not DRONE and at cruising speed it's like nothing was changed. We haven't changed the INTAKE yet and I'm waiting to do this when I DYNO and add another ECU program and check the AFR and tweek the overall fuel map.

I'll post the final numbers when we DYNO it!

Happy Motoring.....


* :spot: :banana:
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