Married guys how did you know she was "the one"

WOW, that's cold...

When you realize you can't live without her, and she feels the same way, and you put her before everything but she lets you still do what you want sometimes....

Or you settle....

94-302-vert said:
WOW, that's cold...

When you realize you can't live without her, and she feels the same way, and you put her before everything but she lets you still do what you want sometimes....

Or you settle....

hahaha. If the girl isnt happy, no ones happy
I've been putting my gf before my car a lot and even have put her before the fire company. I know its only been a month datign her but shes so different then the rest i just don't know what it is about her I really hope she works out
I think you just know one day. I've been with my girl for 6 months now, and even 3 months into the relationship, I realized that she was more likely the one than any other girl I've been with.

My previous relationship was for 9 months.........

......then she had the baby and I kicked her ass to the curb. J/k!! But I felt MUCH stronger about my current g/f than any other I've ever been with.
Being married is all about comfort.
When you can be with someone that's willing to put up with everything you do and agree with your thoughts and dreams.
Someone you don't need to hide anything from, that accepts your personality and never embarassed at anything you do and she thinks you're funny. When she can put you before her friends and choose you first. A woman you don't have to fight to keep and you have the solid feeling that she could never leave you for someone with more $$, material things, looks, etc...
Someone who accomodates your desires and knows what you like w/out having to tell her b/c she notices and remembers. Someone who supports your interests and hobbies and never complains about them. Someone that has the ability to compromise in arguements and disagreements.

You'll just know but it takes some time.
Dating in the begining always sucks b/c you're always wondering about every mofo thing.
I wish you the best wish your current GF and hope it all stays good.
Due to the life I had as a teenager I was looking for a life long commitment.

When I was in the Army a friend of mine said he needed to fix me up. He showed me some pics of some very good looking ladies. He said " this one is okay for a couple of dates, this one likes dating for a while and then leaving, this one likes to put out after the first date, this one is looking to get married and won't put out on the first or second date....." When I saw the pic of the one that wanted to get married I heard a click inside and I knew this was the one. Been with her for 31 years, had some tough times and some great times. Every now and then I pull out her pictures from when we were first going together and I still fall in love with her. When you find the right one you'll know.
I met my gf junior year of highschool and dated her for almost three years after that.... moved in with her and lived with her for a year of it. toward the end we were fighting alot and it didnt seem to be working. so we decided to split, after dating other women for about a year, i hung out with her a few times and i realized how much i loved her and cared about her and didnt wanna be without her. that was a year ago now and we are still together and might as well be married...
That and she's a fiend in the sack.
I just got married in May (the same weekend as the WFC, and the same day I grad. college..I know great timing).

I knew her for several years before we even had a date, we dated for like 3yrs+ total before getting married and had a 1 1/2 -2yr engagement. I totaly agree with the comfort thing. Dont rush anything though, take your time before you jump in spend time together and have fun. If you cannot do this while your dating your prob. not going to be able to while married. Patience is key for both of you to realize is important.

An old addage I heard was "happy wife, happy life"
yeah JR I agree with you on the worring about everything. My past ex's have both left me for other guys and now i have it in my head they they are all gonna do that to me. Everytime i don't hear from my gf or i know shes upset abotu somethign i jump t the thought of theres someone else already and she gonna leave me or she's just gonna leave and stop talking to me. I mentioned this thread to her andshe asked me If i coudl live wihout her and i told her i wanted to talk about it in person. So when i went to her house i said so could you live without me she said no definitly not what about you and i said no. Made me feel real good. I know i gotta atleast what till shes 18 but then i wonder if were are still together then how long i should wait. I have even thought about if she ever came up to me and said she was pregnant. For the first time I think i would be really happy to hear that be kinda worrried cause of her age but i'd be happy.

Thanks guys for all your insite

AND THERES NO WAY IN HELL SHE'S EVER DRIVING MY CAR (she already has a bad driving record lol I could see that black 03 cobra vid but with my car )

Hold old are you two?

I let my g/f drive my stang. But she already drives a 98 GT so she's used to driving sports cars. Other than my parents, there are only two people who have driven my car, my best friend (2000 GT) and my g/f (1998 GT).
i'm 22 shes 16 she'll be 17 in September.

LOL my dad drove my car before i bought it other then that nobody other then when its been in the shop has driven it and i hate the fact that i know people drive it when its in the shop