
So its about 5 hour job? only reason i wanna get this done tommarow is because its already getting -3c another month it will be is coming!

It probably does not even need new head gaskets.

Drive the car around some, or at least let it run up to operating temperature, then rev the engine a few times and see if anymore smoke comes out the tailpipes, does it have leaks anywhere, does it run funny? If there is nothing more to be seen then it was a slow leak while the motor was sitting that purged itself on startup, and not worth concerning yourself with so long as you watch coolant level and watch for future signs of trouble.
Why are you tackling a problem in the worst way possible...make sure you know what problem is before you find your self in a hell of a mess. I'd sent the car to a mechanic if need be before I'd start a head gasket change with no previous experience. The job is NOT a 5 hour job and can easily take 10 hours or more for a first timer with even medium mechanical skills. Learn to problem solve cause the old problem will likely still be there if the head gasket was not the issue..then you are many hours deep into a project and no further ahead than before you started. I have spent a LARGE amount of money in the beginning thinking I could fix the problem when I latter learned I was wrong.
I don't mean to be a dick, but was the liquid leaking out from the exhaust green or clear? If the car was running fine beforehand, i don't think it would just blow a head gasket like that. I think that you just had some excess condensation in the cylinders and intake and exhaust and whatnot from sitting for a while. And it will smoke a little if its been sitting for 2 months without being started.