Build Thread '83 T-top Coupe - Welding Holes in My Rear

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I realize the fun in fix'n crap and all but why not find a better seat frame? Are they different than other early fox's?
After yesterday of sitting in the yard in the cold, this seemed better than going back out.

No, btw, they're the same as the other seat frames on the early foxes.

After the hood, this is a cake walk. This stuff really seems easy to me, i didn't give it too much thought. If it weren't salvageable, i'd get another. When i tore the seat down, all i thought was how to fix it truthfully. Replacing it didn't jump into my thought process.
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After yesterday of sitting in the yard in the cold, this seemed better than going back out.

No, btw, they're the same as the other seat frames on the early foxes.

After the hood, this is a cake walk. This stuff really seems easy to me, i didn't give it too much thought. If it weren't salvageable, i'd get another. When i tore the seat down, all i thought was how to fix it truthfully. Replacing it didn't jump into my thought process.
Thats why your 'da man' and I'm just a boob, I gots about 6 or 7 spare sport seats for parts just in case me or someone else needs parts, those seat backs crack and tracks get rusted up beyond use, besides the fire department hates it when I weld crap.
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I'm sowing in a couple zippers this morning with refreshments, what're y'all doing?
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Wondering if the delivery folks will drop off the mount I ordered for the SpacesShip (this appears to be sticking, at least for me).

I'm mounting my Blutooth Star Trek Communicator. :D

Hmmm... could mount
phaser too
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Painting bed room, she (that girl on the other end of the couch) decided about ten years ago she (meaning me) wanted to paint the bedroom a color she called terracotta, I didn't like it, it is dark pink, you can give it whatever fashion designer name you want, it is f'n pink, just darker. I voiced my opinion but we all know what happened, fast forward to a couple weeks ago, she informs me she wants (me) to paint the bedroom white, also adding that she didn't like the terracotta (pink) color but just didn't tell me. AAGGHH, I just smiled and said 'yes dear', after all she does make killer cookies for me.
Also hooking up some bluetooth speaker crap for the tv, I know very little about tv/stereo/bluetooth tech stuff, It's wireless, can't be hard, maybe I'll even read the directions.
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I am at work. Doing work stuff. It's raining. I have to climb a 300' fugging tower in the fugging rain. Go me 'yay':crap:

Sounds like you need another job, homie.

I had to work in the rain all day yesterday. I had to change out a double mechanical product seal in a benzene pump. When I got done I discovered the seal wasn't the problem. It was a leaking diaphragm in a sightglass level indicator. That we didn't have in stock.. Or even catalouged in our warehouse.. And someone in management was aware of it, but didn't let me know because of a communication break down..:mad:
*Due to photobucket suckiness, I will not be posting pics to describe what I see in my head reading the updated thread title*

But lets just say I am picturing a mix of Michael Jackson's zipper jacket, and MC Hammer's music video of Hammer Time with Dave dancing like MC Hammer wearing parachute pants and MJ's jacket. Its raining 22 different types of beer from the sky, and there are Nascar cars doing donuts in the background.

*Turns out even if photobucket wasnt a POS right now, I would have no pic to post because I am not that good in photoshop*

@Noobz347 , ya bored and want a project?
*Due to photobucket suckiness, I will not be posting pics to describe what I see in my head reading the updated thread title*

But lets just say I am picturing a mix of Michael Jackson's zipper jacket, and MC Hammer's music video of Hammer Time with Dave dancing like MC Hammer wearing parachute pants and MJ's jacket. Its raining 22 different types of beer from the sky, and there are Nascar cars doing donuts in the background.

*Turns out even if photobucket wasnt a POS right now, I would have no pic to post because I am not that good in photoshop*

@Noobz347 , ya bored and want a project?
I like how you think, er picture, is it cartoon like?
I'm sowing in a couple zippers this morning with refreshments, what're y'all doing?
Are you sewing the zippers by hand,Or with a sewing machine?

It's 17 degrees out today, so it seemed like a good day to tune up my Durango (has had a miss for awhile lol.)
Get er all buttoned up,fluids topped off and fire it up- smooth as silk for about 5 mins, Dies,won't restart, no fuel pressure...... fml
Are you sewing the zippers by hand,Or with a sewing machine?

It's 17 degrees out today, so it seemed like a good day to tune up my Durango (has had a miss for awhile lol.)
Get er all buttoned up,fluids topped off and fire it up- smooth as silk for about 5 mins, Dies,won't restart, no fuel pressure...... fml
Yeah, by hand. I'm thinking of having a tailor finish it. That stupid zipper you see on there doesn't disconnect at the bottom. Maybe I should have checked it before I finished one side:nonono:. So it needs to come back off. I can't find a metal zipper that size in the stores around here. I've got to do some more searching.

Sorry to hear about your Durango. To go with the new theme here, do you have gas?
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*Due to photobucket suckiness, I will not be posting pics to describe what I see in my head reading the updated thread title*

But lets just say I am picturing a mix of Michael Jackson's zipper jacket, and MC Hammer's music video of Hammer Time with Dave dancing like MC Hammer wearing parachute pants and MJ's jacket. Its raining 22 different types of beer from the sky, and there are Nascar cars doing donuts in the background.

*Turns out even if photobucket wasnt a POS right now, I would have no pic to post because I am not that good in photoshop*

@Noobz347 , ya bored and want a project?
You just described another ho hum day in my life Nick. It's better when the Swedish bikini team drops in too though.
I had to go to a fabric store to find the zippers i was looking for. They're 14" long, an odd size apparently in the zipper world.

I seem to have been the only guy in there not forced by his wife to be there with them. So i march right up to one of the ladies there and asked if she could help me with my zipper problem......When the police finally left i found these two and am about to get my sew on.
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