Audi TT is messing with me BIG TIME!

I would just skip class one day, get there a little early and wait for him to go into class, then slash one of his tires. Just one so he can still put on his spare, but enough so that he knows to stop messin with you..
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MiamiFan1354 said:
I would just skip class one day, get there a little early and wait for him to go into class, then slash one of his tires. Just one so he can still put on his spare, but enough so that he knows to stop messin with you..

but then he goes to the police, and Shallowreef gets screwed
While going to the police sounds like a good idea, I honestly don't think they would or could do much. They'd issue a warning at best, since an officer wasn' there to witness it they won't give him a ticket or anything...this in turn will probably just piss him off more. If you do go to the police tell them you want an officer parked inconspicuously around the area after class to watch and catch him, otherwise tell them you'll handle him yourself and that instead of sending a police car they'll need to send an ambulance.

Also it'd probably be a good idea to confront the person if you can catch them comming in or whatever. Screw all this crap about people whining about CCW's and them pulling guns, not everyone and their sister is going to murder you over a little quarrel like this. Just straight up tell him if he doesn't stop messing around he won't have an Audi to mess around with nor a mother to run home to (probably leave that part out lol). Either way, the police won't do much unless they catch him in the act, so you'll probably be left more or less on your own. Get some friends to either ride with you or be out with you...AHHA i just got a great idea

Have a friend of yours drive RIGHT next to you on the way out, then when this dipsh** pulls up behind you and whatever both of you SLAM on your brakes, he's at fault and gets to pay for your upgrades :D

Good luck with whatever you do though, if it comes down to it, shoot him.
I think if he tries any crap again tonight i will notify the police and then if it happens again i am going to do something that i have only done once before.

You see my dad is a trapper and he buys lures that attract specific animals. Needless to say the lures are usually made of animal piss and **** and smell god awful. So if this **** tries it again i am going to pour a whole bottle of it by his air intake for his cabin. When he turns on the air or heat all he will smell is animal *****.

I kinda want to stay away from slashing tires and what not because it opens the door for him to mess up my car which is just as bad as getting run off the road. So that will be my very last resort.
shallowreef said:
I kinda want to stay away from slashing tires and what not because it opens the door for him to mess up my car which is just as bad as getting run off the road. So that will be my very last resort.

Think of it like this...If you totalled his car and he totalled your car in vandalism acts, who lost more? If he has a 2002 TT his car books for around 20K whereas yours books for 15K max. He's out an extra 5grand minimum compared to you and insurance will cover it. Now obviously im joking here as you don't want to burn his car and have him burn yours, but you get what i'm saying. Bodypart vs Bodypart his is going to cost a lot more to fix than yours. I'd still vote for the whole confront him and tell him what's going to happen to him/his car/his family if he doesn't stop or if you don't want to do that tell the cops that they have 2 options with this case, 1) put a cop in the area to watch for him and catch him in the act or 2) get their EMS ready to be picking up a corpse and the DOT to come clean up a shattered Audi TT that's blocking the flow of traffic, they'll help you out then.
I would not confront him b/c if something bad does end up happening to his car, he'll have a face/car to go with his police report. If he keeps acting like an ass, and something happens with no confrontation he'll have only an assumption and who knows...maybe you aren't the only one so you can't get pinpointed more easily. Think it through....your idea of the piss sounds like a subtle and powerful once that's in the air system I doubt there is an easy way to get rid of it....
Thats right! I think that is the road i am going to walk down. Or i was thinkingabout loosening the lug nuts on one of his front wheels so if the makes a turn the whell will come off but that is more than likely going to mess up someone elses car besides his. I wouldn't want that. I just want him to pay.
Get out into the lot first - find the guys car - wait for him to come out - call him a douche bag and tell him if he wants to race take, take it to the track; otherwise you have his plate number and are willing to call the cops if he keeps driving like an ***hole.