It's Painted!

L8 MUSL said:
It's working for everybody else? :shrug:
Maybe your puter at work isn't letting it through. I left it in the garrage today. I'll put it back together and post some good pics when the weather clears.

And yeah Beau it could make a good down payment on an 03 Cobra. :D
check out for some AWESOME deals on 03 cobras. some are outta state though so you may have a day or two drive to bring them home. :)
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SoCal69GT said:

If you need a garage to work on your alarm system, you're welcome to use mine. Just give me a day notice.

Nice paint job! Still waiting on my funds to come in the mail to get my car painted too.


Thanks Jun!
I may take you up on that. between you, me and Pierre, we might even be able to figure it out.
I called John yesterday but he was on his way out and won't be back in the shop before the 21 st of November so I'll call him back that week end and I'll see what he says for the 88 and will probebly have him do the work.
P.S I still need to see your car and give it the fine comb treatment :rlaugh: :rlaugh:
He's going to give you guy's a great price, just tell him I sent you.
You are all welcome to come over and check it out any time. I have been up in L.A. the last week. I drove the Stang and got plenty of compliments.

Pierre, If you go over it with that fine toothed comb, your gonna find flaws but, for the money, you'd be hard pressed to find better.

NICE avatar Jun!