Nick's "lvndpst" Restoration (and Slight Modification) Thread

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Well, I cut a hole in my stock intake tract, and inserted my PCV hose elbow. All I had laying around was a rubberized clear sealer goop/glue, but it seems like it will work well enough for added assurance against a vacuum leak. It was a nice snug fit anyway, but may as well be safe.


I dont think it will cause any more air disturbance inside than the ripples in the tube already do.


PS, the metal vacuum port isnt staying in the elbow, that just gave me more to grip for the installation.
Attempt one, see the problem here?:

Yes. The image is blurry. :D

Edit: damn just noticed I put a zip tie on the wires. How do zip ties and fuel do?

This totally depends on what the zip tie is made from. The ones that you get at auto-parts stores generally do well with oil and gas but lack UV resistance. Some parts stores however, don't know the damned difference and just order any ole' zip tie. If you're using them in the fuel tank or engine bay, it's always better to know what they are.
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The ones I have were $80 a piece. Seems like they used to be $150+.

While on this topic, I spent 3 hours doing yard work yesterday. Afterword I planned to get my cats welded into my H pipe. Once that yard work was actually done, I had very little motivation to be out in my 35 degree garage after already being out in the windy 35 degree yard for hours. Told myself I would spend today doing it, and getting my clutch cable all squared away. That all went to sht when my wife woke up sick as a dog this morning.

Shoulda gone out yesterday afternoon when I was able. :nonono:
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